

Wednesday 30 July 2014


SKELLIG MICHAEL (male principal) contains the energies of the blue ray of truth/blue print. By blazing the violet flame towards Skellig Michael you will receive the codes of the divine blue print. See your energies creating an upwards spiral. The forces of light will provide the downwards spiral
LITTLE SKELLIG (female principal) contains the energies of the violet ray. By blazing the violet flame towards little skellig and seeing an upwards spiral created, you will receive the code of the new essence of the violet ray for the Time to come: LAVENDER VIOLET.
When you have connected to both energies, the blue ray of truth and the blue ray of transmutation, see the energies provided by the forces of light coming down into the Skellig islands combining their energies with the groundcrew, then see these rays flooding the ley lines towards the coast of Ireland and flooding the ley lines towards Tara Hill seeing an upwards spiral created.
The forces of light will connect by providing a downwards spiral containing the codes of the emerald green ray (Archangel metatron). The healing emerald green ray contains the codes of the consciousness of Atlantis.
See the emerald green ray combining it’s energies with the blue and the lavender violet ray and reaching the Glastonbury TOR and creating an upwards spiral again. The forces of light will provide the right codes of the lower heart.
Then envision the rays flooding the ley lines towards Europe crossing Paris and creating an upwards spiral in the Museum the “Louvre.” In Paris, the forces of light will provide the new energies matching this vortex again.
Then we go to Rome and we see an upward spiral shooting out of the obelisks and activating the others worldwide.
We follow the ley line to Giza and combine the energies of Giza likewise — and then we go to the border of Israel and Palestine and connect to the Merkaba Crystal — and see the energies of Michael and Quan Yin reach their destiny.

Then we see that we have collectively cleared this important leyline to enact full galactic disclosure for all of humanity. We envision these energies reaching every being who has a heartbeat.
Connect to the other chakra’s likewise to collectively enact the Rainbow serpent. The correct codes of the reptilian brain. Every Chakra has it Colour/ray/codes to add.
These are the locations that have been empowered :
crown chakra:  Mount Everest (Himalaya)
pineal gland: Giza, Egypt
higher heart (thymus):Tara hill, Ireland
lower heart: The Tor, Glastonbury
solar plexus: Uluru/Ayers rock, Australia
sacral chakra: Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, peru (Andes)
root chakra: Mount Shasta, United States.
Gaia has many chakra’s with the same energies divided over her surface.
Then we look again at the Tesla ball and see this as the sun of hollow earth sending us the blue ray of truth and the violet flame, energetically combining their energies with ours (surface), and we see these rays — NOT STOPPING at the surface, but shooting out creating upward spirals towards ALL ley lines and nodes worldwide.
SEEING/IMAGINING Rainbow colors and gold particles, .and again the forces of light providing the downwards spirals.
A special request to add the golden ray and bring its essence back to the light again. It will therefore clear all metal based matrixes used against us.
Raise your energy by going out in nature or talk to a tree
Remember to send healing to those suffering in Gaza


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