

Monday 21 July 2014

From Croatia With Love : Terminal Madness

From Croatia With Love



Ines Radman


Conspiracies, Enlightenment,

Ascension, Truth, Spirituality

Gnostic, Earth Goddess Sophia



There is enough coverage on current events that I don’t need to duplicate anything here, that includes my thoughts and opinion on it. I’m not one to dwell on what happened, who did it, who had to gain from it; I am one that wants to know how to change, how to help, how to overcome, how to get out of this condition that we are in.

I think we have reached the condition of Terminal Madness. If this is not a false flag, then I am saddened about the loss of life, but this is what we get, this is what we created, this is what we must learn. As we all sit behind our screens and read, comment on what we think happened, nothing is changing. How can anything change when nobody is willing to take the first step and say enough is enough? I got it. Everyone is waiting for Ashtar and his ship Jerusalem to come and save the world.

It’s mind boggling that the world is just at a standstill and allowing this to happen. It is mind boggling to know that not one country on this planet has stood up and said enough. It is mindboggling that we all sit here and type, wait for something to happen but we are doing NOTHING to help or change the situation.

Is it any wonder we are now experiencing terminal madness as a chronic condition? That’s something you all need to ask yourselves. Yes, there is a lot each one of you can do. You may not be able to travel to Ukraine or to Washington, but you can use your telepathic abilities and focus your thoughts on the people or organization that you want to affect. Although we may not “sense” we have abilities of telepathy, we do have them and we can project our thoughts.

How many of you got a phone call and a few minutes prior to that, you were thinking about that person? You were projecting telepathically, your thought energy traveled to the person you were thinking about.

We can change events if we knew how powerful we are. So, focus on who you want to say ” I know what you are doing”, or “Stop this now”, whatever your thought process is, send it to that person or organization and you will get results. It’s that simple. So, we don’t have to go out and protest, we don’t have to use violence, we can use our telepathic abilities that we “think ” we don’t have. Do it! Start now! We are on the brink of losing everything we worked so hard for, uncovering the lies and deception, finally putting names to the faces of the control and domination, learning who the Cabal members are, knowing what their agenda is, it can all disappear in a moment. So, if you can’t get your fat ass of the couch, then get your powerful brain aimed and armed to send the messages.

You see, it makes no f****g difference who did this. The fact is THEY DID. So let’s not waste time in trying to figure out who did and why, it won’t change anything if we keep doing nothing about it. It makes no different WHY they did it, they just did it because they could. Because they know we are powerless, because we’re too fat to get up and too drugged from fluoridated water to think straight.
Let’s prove them otherwise, let’s use our creator given minds and put it to good use, like saving our planet!

For whatever reason the Malaysian airliner went down, it matters not! So yes, we figured out who did and why? Yeah? Are you going to book your next flight to Israel and protest about it? Of course you’re not. So, instead of wasting time on who and why and when and where, let’s focus on stopping this madness. Where are all those militias, the White Hats, the Resistance movements, the Ascended masters, the higher dimensional beings of light all claiming to love us and will come and help us? I don’t hear them landing, I don’t hear their messages:”We’re arriving”.

I would rather use my time to send emails, to anger people to action, to observe the reality of which we are currently in and find a way to get out of this.

Silence. Silence. Silence. If you do NOTHING today, not one little thing to protest this madness, then go crawl under a rock and wait for your demise. We created this reality, whether you want to believe it or not, whether you can’t handle the truth or not, we created this mess. We let it go on for too long, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. Wake up people, I have been sending thousands of thoughts for weeks now, join in and start doing the same, you may not think you’re accomplishing anything, but you are, even if you don’t believe it will work, do it anyways. I know many of us are not in positions to travel, to risk their lives, to quit their jobs, to get on a black list, to be assassinated, to become an activist, I get it. Your life is far too important than to risk losing your safe/secure life. Just remember, with each life gone, you contributed to it. Like it or not, take or leave it, we all did this together.

We cannot do anything in separation, we cannot change our condition without taking risks and losing something. In the end, we will lose it all anyways if we don’t do anything.

I love you all.



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