

Wednesday 16 July 2014

From AK… Comment on Ben Fulford’s latest post and a Reminder Where the True Value Comes From



Views below are solely of Benjamin Fulford’s and the WDS and not necessarily of this blog.

There is much I cannot say right now, but things are in a huge state of change. There is some interesting data in this post, but how much of it is accurate remains to be seen. When secret socities and intel agenices release information it is generally done so to shape opinion or perception, which may not always match reality.

D. of Removing the Shackles blog, has told me privately her military intel sources say the Bush “Texas Camp” has largely been defanged. In many respects it operates as an arm of the Rothschilds these days and the defacto whipping boy for world problems, not that they are some sort of saints, they are not, they have done some really awful things in the pursuit of their Nazi agenda.

Ben is correct in that their seems to have been a melding of Nazi and Khazar/Sabbatean Zionist agendas in the last 30 years or so (or perhaps they were always one in the same) – its just more blatant now as Israel carries out the very same tactics on Palestinians that Hitler used on Jews in WWII. Its well known the Rothschilds funded both Zionism and the creation of the State of Israel and it wasn’t because they had a guilty conscience. All these factions of Texas Camp, Rockefellers, Rothschilds are but brokers (and often rebellious, murderous and dangerous brokers) for funds that are controlled by the Dragon Families which Ben claims to represent. There has been a war between the Asian factions and the western factions since the SARS virus was discovered to have been engineered to target the Han people. The Asia faction wants domination over the existing systems in the west with promises of a changed planet. Yet why is it we don’t see such changes beginning already in the countries under the Asian faction, and why is they have so few freedoms? Why do they not lead by example in those areas they do control?

After reading many POOF/Zap and Fulford postings, I have to wonder if a “kinder gentler slavery system” isn’t still a system of slavery on humanity? The aid to the Empress of Qing dynasty told Heather a year ago that Annanauki treaty of Rizq gave them ownership of humanity… which was one of the more mind blowing things I have learned in the last two years.

The financial systems are slavery systems. When you hear terms such as “collateral accounts” they just euphemisms for the banking pools your value (which has been stolen without your knowledge for centuries) is deposited and loaned back to you with interest.

Then there was the astounding revelation that Cobra released last week that ET “resistance” has also been gaming the financial system for “70 trillion” but also say “That money will be given back to humanity after the Reset through the collateral accounts”… seems they are not going to admit where the value comes from either. Or perhaps the ETs don’t understand earth’s banking system, according to Cobra they can defuse “strangelet bombs” (whatever those are) but can’t figure out the banking system? This 70 trillion just happens to match a mystery trade a Japanese sovereign fund floated a few years ago which was the largest ever bank trade through a middle eastern broker.

Its easy to get hypnotized with promises of sudden wealth, but none of them have ever disclosed where that value truly comes from… YOU.

Now that would be true disclosure! -AK



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