

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Arrests made across the UK : 660 arrests in paedophile inquiry : Dark net child abuse sites breached

Bully: Paedophile Cyril Smith is said to have asked an editor to bury the story

Hundreds of suspected paedophiles, including doctors and teachers, are held as part of six-month operation led by the National Crime Agency.

Now it’s revealed Barbara Castle 
drew up dossier on VIP paedophiles: 
File seized by Special Branch ‘heavy mob’



Horrified: Labour peer Baroness Barbara Castle, pictured, tried to expose a ring of paedophiles

 Horrified: Labour peer Baroness Barbara Castle, 

pictured, tried to expose a ring of paedophiles


‘Special Branch officers seized a paedophile dossier naming Establishment figures drawn up by Labour peer Barbara Castle in the 1980s, it was claimed yesterday.
Officers citing ‘national security’ confiscated the file which listed 16 MPs along with senior policemen, headteachers and clergy, it was said.
The dossier was collated by the late Baroness Castle of Blackburn who handed it to Don Hale, the editor of her local newspaper, the Bury Messenger.
Mr Hale claimed a ‘heavy mob’ of Special Branch officers raided his office in 1984 and took away the file, threatening him with prison if he resisted.’

Read more: Now it’s revealed Barbara Castle drew up dossier on VIP paedophiles: File seized by Special Branch 'heavy mob'

 Internet user


16 July 2014 update 12:45

Child abuse image investigation leads to 660 arrests

The National Crime Agency (NCA) said the 660 arrested included:-
doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers. ANY MASONS?

More than 400 children have been protected as a result, the agency said.

Arrests were made across the UK

William Hague

Ken Clarke

Bill Maloney - They're getting rid of the paedophiles from the cabinet. William Hague. Ken Clarke. Public enquiry with grand jury proposed.

Maloney interviewed.

They're bringing in women to the cabinet to move the paedophiles out.

Maloney says he's on a hit list, but his objective is to get the information out.  We have to help our children.

He's organising his own enquiry.  They have a top barrister.  They need people from the alternative media to help report the findings.

Our children are still at risk.  Chris Fey and I are both parents.

People must get this story out.  See the Sunday Mirror reporting the witness who came forward and whistleblew - Anthony Gilberthall, who was procuring children for MPs.

Hague is retiring even though he's right at the top of his career.  Ken Clarke is resigning.  He should be behind bars.   There are shenanigans around Gove, the new Chief Whip.

Miliband.   Farage.  Balls.  Harman.  Were all on a panel that threw Maloney out of Question Time.(?)

Nick Clegg.  BBC.

Paedophilia is the most powerful blackmailing tool that can be used against anyone. is Bill's email.

Robert Green is welcome on Bill's enquiry panel.  Robert's civil liberties have been outrageously spat on.   Start listening.  Start acting.  Go to surgeries of members of Parliament.

To all victims and survivors, god bless you.  If the Police won't listen, come to me, says Bill.  It's not just politicians.  The Police.  MI5.  MI6.  Gaddafi and Hussein knew about paedophiles in our government.  Gaddafi's son Saif is still alive and is a friend of Prince Andrew.

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