

Friday 6 June 2014

LINDA MOULTON HOWE : DISCLOSURE – Time The People Were Told We Have “All” The Technology Already


We have the technologies and are currently going to the stars and way beyond that.  We have more incredible technology than most could possibly imagine and there’s more, much more.  As you will hear the information is “Out There” but the masses still “need to know.”  The result of us not knowing will seal our collective fate on the surface of this tiny blue planet if we continue to ignore this.


We are destroying our home day in day out and with technologies like these at our disposal we would stop the crash course we have been deliberately set upon.  We have life extension and medical solutions way beyond what we can know about right now & all of it is being hidden away from us.


The “Way Out” for us is to “Face Up” to what is really going on down here and out there.  You Are the “Answer” but we all need to work together with the right information.  WE NEED TO KNOW!!!  Enough Of The Lies!



In the first half of Friday's show, reporter and editor for, Linda Moulton Howe presented an interview with "Don," a man who phoned in during her January 20th, 2006 Coast appearance and said his uncle had shown him top secret files and photos taken in 1947 of crashed discs and small entities. According to Don, his uncle had B&W pictures of three UFO crash sites, including photos showing a craft embedded into a hillside and two living 'extraterrestrial biological entities' (EBENs) standing nearby. Don said the EBENs stood between 3-4 feet tall, had short legs, elongated arms with long, pointy fingers, and egg-shaped heads.

Don's uncle claimed he could communicate telepathically with the EBENs, and said they had traveled to Earth from "outside our galaxy" to teach humanity about medicine and how to live in peace. Don said his uncle also witnessed an anti-gravity demonstration at Area 51, in which the EBENs used mind power to levitate metallic spheres.

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