

Thursday, 1 May 2014

White Hats : About REPORT#48 : The Truth Behind the Matrix



The White Hats : About REPORT#48

April 28, 2014

For those of you familiar with the White Hats Reports, you’re aware that we have suspended publishing reports, and more importantly, failed to release report #48 as promised. I have been asked about that on numerous occasions in the recent weeks and months and feel perhaps I should address it here.

I suppose the birth of report 48 occurred on February 16, 2012 when Lord David James of Blackheath courageously stood up in the House of Lords and delivered his speech exposing the $15 trillion dollar fraud perpetrated by the Federal Reserve, the US secret government, the criminal banking system and the corrupt politicians who are paid to look the other way when we the people of the US are put further in debt to support the slave status we’re all part of.
We then issued two reports in the next week which detailed not only the origination of our group but also included a copy of one of the SWIFTS for authentication. (See White Hats report #36 and #37 at  The historic significance of this event, Lord James’ speech, cannot be underestimated.  For the first time, the very essence of the cabal’s misdeeds, the financial system, was exposed for all to see.

And what was the response?

Total silence.

The Secret Space Program


Note: the following report was written to accompany White Hat Report #48 which has as of this date been delayed and may possibly never see the light of day due to either quiet coercion behind the scenes or outright threats to the life of certain members of the group known as “The White Hats” who publish reports on a fairly regular basis revealing financial corruption at the highest levels of government specifically in the U.S. but also involving other world powers and players.


The trail of the Octopus, also known as the Shadow Government can be detected by following the money.

PUREHEART INVESTMENTS is the top tier of a network of front companies and trading programs that result in vast sums of money being earned. Money earned on money. The White Hats have followed the money and that rabbit hole ultimately leads to BLACK PROJECTS. Black Projects are called “black” because they are hidden, that is, in the dark. These projects are part of a clandestine network run by the Shadow Government also known as The Secret Space Program.

“There are two human civilizations on Earth. One that has space travel and one that does not.” The ones that do, are part of a vast network going off-world and into Space called for simplicity’s sake “the secret space program”.

Rhodes scholar finalist and historian Rich Dolan calls this a “rogue civilization” and in fact that is exactly what it is, what it has become. Regardless of how it started out. In Volume II of his highly regarded and substantial history UFOs AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE, Rich writes, …”Six decades of classified expenditures (and other forms of secret spending) have provided ample resources to apply principles and technologies that have remained sealed off from the rest of humanity. This development alone is enough to justify the greatest secrecy.”

What has become evident is that The Secret or Shadow Government established the Secret Space Program and Black Projects by virtue of having access primarily to two important advantages, backed by the might of the military industrial complex: money and ET technology.

A Word About the History of ET Technology Acquisition


It is known that Tesla was himself, was aware that he was ‘in contact’ with an unknown race of off-planet beings who downloaded to him the key concepts behind certain technology. In describing the history of our interaction with off-world (and inter/intra dimensional races and the acquisition of special technologies, you can, for example, go back to the days of Eisenhower and his famed meeting with at least 2 groups of ETs (Greys and Nordics) at Muroch Air Force Base (now known as Edwards Air Force Base). However, that is just one of many places to start. From all indications, …”we are not alone and we have never been alone”, to quote Command Sergeant Robert O. Dean, a whistleblower who violated his security oath in order to inform the people regarding the truth behind the reality of ET visitation.

Another logical place (well documented by scholars and researchers such as Jim Marrs (THE FOURTH REICH) and Joseph Farrell, (author of SAUCERS, SWASTIKAS AND PSYOPS: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations), is to go back to the days of the Nazis and the establishment of the German high command. They made contact with a race of ETs through the Vril Society (a small group of women who were “channeling”). The Nazis are also said to have conducted careful research into the flying saucers of India called Vimanas (chronicled in the great writings such as the Upanishads etc). They are also known to have confiscated and horded hidden archeological records and relics of inestimable value for scientific study… Because of this, Nazis made huge leaps forward into technologies involving space and time travel. (see the Nazi Bell and Camelot interview with Igor Witkowsky).

The Fourth Reich

The preface to Jim Marr’s book, THE FOURTH REICH states, …”At the end of World War II, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, worming their way into corporate America. They brought with them miraculous weapons technology that helped win the space race. But they also brought their Nazi philosophy based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—which has since gained an iron hold in the “land of the free.”

From the advent of Project Paperclip at the end of WWII Nazi scientists, engineers and military officers were repatriated to at least 3 countries: United States, Russia and Argentina (and very possibly others) the takeover and infiltration of our government began. With those former Nazi scientists and military officers came the access to new technologies that aided in the creation of a new American Space Program, which, as a result, was many jumps ahead of the rest of the world. According to Camelot witnesses the secret space program now contains technology possibly as much as 10,000 years in advance of the public sector.

What has become clear is that the structure of the U.S. government became infiltrated at every level even prior to WWII as the Bush family members and specifically Bush Sr. rose to positions of power, first as head of the CIA and then as President. This “cabal” has coalesced into what is now commonly known as the “Bush Cabal”.

The rise of the Bush Cabal and the infiltration and takeover of the U.S. military industrial complex by the Nazis is again well documented. The Shadow or Secret Government has grown in leaps and bounds since WWII whose primary raison d’être became the Secret Space Program. This program involved Black Projects that used newly invented and acquired technologies with the help of various treaties and relationships over time with various ET races, both on and off planet “races” of beings. This is the world we will attempt to describe: the world of BLACK PROJECTS, why PUREHEART was created and ultimately where the money funneled through PUREHEART goes…

In essence, it would appear, funding this breakaway society or civilization has become the primary preoccupation of the rulers, specifically in America, headed by the Bush Cabal. This, as we shall see, is of great importance to you the reader, as well as to those who “serve” this Cabal.


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