

Tuesday 13 May 2014

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ NESARA ! ... Identify yourself as a living Heir of Creation

From a link posted by Cindy Kay Currier at America: Where Are You Now? Facebook group… great stuff, Cindy. 

Many people who believe they are logical, intelligent and critical thinkers will think this is utter nonsense, but then—they’re dealing with a false reality, aren’t they? 

Once we all reevaluate what REALITY is, we will all think differently, reason differently, and create differently, bringing into being a world we previously believed could only be a Utopia of the mind or a fantasy. But it will be the realest ‘real’ we’ve ever known.  ~ BP


The Heirship Economy: Unlimited Abundance for All

What if I told you that the world doesn’t really need a currency revaluation; that we don’t need access to collateral accounts; and that we don’t even need a global reset? What if I told you we could experience unlimited abundance at will and the only thing we need is access to the key and the will to turn the lock as a collective? Someone recently asked how I would go about facilitating a world-wide economic reform. I explained:
Economics is not a natural phenomenon like electricity that works according to natural laws. It is a set of ideas concocted entirely by lower reasoning. Paying money for life is like making love to a refection in the mirror. The key to unlimited abundance is for humanity to understand that we are and always have been the collateral backing the world’s economy. (If you are unclear about that, click here.)
Now I propose a world-wide unlimited abundance plan called the Heirship Economy. I call it an ‘economy’ only because that’s a term people understand. The Heirship Economy is implemented in three phases and is based on the assumption that all systems self-correct when the underlying problems are corrected and that the laws of nature are free to operate uninhibited.

Phase One

Read and understand the four documents on this webpage: Armistice & Accord; Letters Patent; Notice of Reconciliation; Letters of Marque

Phase Two
  • Understand that BRICS development bank is designed to assist under-advantaged nations with infrastructure development and has the capability of operating its own International Monetary Fund.
  • Insist that all banks operate as lawful trusts and pass through entities in cooperation with BRICS, consistent with the Court of Ages Letters Patent.
  • Identify yourself as a living Heir of Creation and sovereign nation.
  • Compel BRICS to recognize your status as an Heir of Creation sovereign nation and offer to contract for services consistent with the Court of Ages Letters Patent.

Phase Three
(adapted from John Black’s ‘Abolition of Work‘)
  • Abolish all notions of jobs, occupations, or work (production enforced by economic or political means).
  • Enable full unemployment (no more selling the time of our lives in exchange for survival).
  • Invite permanent revelry (collective joy and independent exuberance).
  • Implement laziness rights (essential for recovery from employment-induced exhaustion).
With the implementation of this three-phase plan, new technologies would emerge. People would begin organizing themselves into self-governing communities, tribes, and federations according to the laws of nature. The old would pass away. Behold, the new has come!
Love to ALL,
Cindy Kay

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