

Sunday 11 May 2014










The Witch Garter is worn in various rituals for it’s magical properties and they are also used as badges of rank amongst Witch Covens. The use of garters can be traced back to Paleolithic times – so no wonder, then, that the highest honour bestowed by the British monarchy on a person is an invitation to join the ORDER OF THE (WITCH) GARTER which has an annual parade outside St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in England every year.



The exterior roof of the chapel is festooned with sculptures of ‘Yales’ which are unicorn-type mythological demonic creatures whose bodies are covered in circular markings. Inside the chapel, hundreds of heraldic flags hang from the ceiling – many of which have stylized versions of the Demons described in the GOETIA Book of Howling… It is under these banners that a secret honour has been conferred on many members of the royal family and several Prime Ministers – including WINSTON CHURCHILL…

All supernatural religions are man made,
to infect us whilst alive
and to pursue us into eternity


It is a relatively little know fact that one of Britain’s most famous politicians, Winston Churchill, was a Druid, a freemason, and a witch! Churchill was born in 1874 and his father, Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill, was a senior Freemason in Britain and Ireland. The Spencer-Churchill family were fiercely loyal to the German royals who populated the British throne – and, indeed, all the thrones of Europe. It was Winston Churchill’s father who led the gang of aristocratic murderers, who slayed prostitutes in the east end of London – these murders were the infamous JACK THE RIPPER crimes – and Chris Everard was the first person in the world to expose the true identity of JACK THE RIPPER in the motion picture documentary MURDERED BY THE MONARCHY…



Mr Auberey was a historian and one of the first people to map and fully document the landscape surrounding Stonehenge - it was he who named the famous Auberey ‘Holes’ and postulated that Stonehenge was constructed by and for druids. Of course, like most Freemasons and Witches, he was actually hijacking a much older, previous magickal tradition/temple/site – for Stonehenge is far older than even the 4,200 years it has been credited with – and that predates even the earliest records of British druids (but not witches).




There are those Druids and then ….there are The Druids

who taught wisdom love and light throughout the world




Highly intelligent, indolent, and dishonest humanoids invented foolproof ways of gaining riches and almost total power for themselves, and their families.
They invented ‘Houses’ and ‘Bloodlines’ to project their authority and protect their agenda. One of the many ways they accomplished this was through the manipulation of bicameral records to invent de facto histories, religions, and party politics. Manipulating historical legends of a great catastrophe, allowed them to turn these records into the basis for supernatural religions whose leaders do not necessarily believe what they teach. Why should they believe something they know to be fictitious? In the early 16th centur y, Pope Leo X, for example, was reported to have said: ‘It has served us well, this myth of Christ.’
Thomas Paine, referring to the hierarchy within established religions added: ‘Infidelity does not consist in believing or disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what one does not believe.’
There is only beautiful symmetry,
one reality that has no beginning
and no end and therefore,
there is no need for a creator god or gods.
The controllers of the system do not want the populac e to discover what Akhnaten had uncovered; that underpinning all manifest ation there was only beautiful symmetry, one reality that has no beginnin g and no end and therefore, expunging the need for a creator god. There only ever were realms upon realms of creative existence (love) that manifests itself to it s maximum potential. Ayn Rand in beautiful simplicity wrote her famous axiom ‘existence exists’, echoing an earlier maxim attributed to the mystery schools: ‘there never was a beginning to being, and there will never be an end to being.’

Sadly a dishonest elite manoeuvred the masses into a situation where they t hemselves could assume ultimate power and control, which they took full adv antage of when they turned the celestial ‘supra beings’ into a pantheon of gods and put themselves forward as their Earthly representatives. These destructive concepts lead in time to myriad ‘outside authorities’, vying with other for power and control. Ultimately, they presented the ‘one creator God’ to be obeyed and appeased on the pain of eternal damnation: ‘ the one-god religions are easily the greatest disaster ever to be inflicted on the human race.








The Ancient Order of Druids (also known as the Druid Order) was founded in 1781 by Henry Hurle. The Ancient Order of Druids embraced Masonic-like rituals which re-enacted the mock death/murder of someone and required each initiate to be ‘re-birthed’ with the ‘new’ person being ‘re-born’ into the druid-mason-witch coven.

In the year 1833, a schism over the ‘orientation’ of the druid-lodge-coven teachings broke out – reading between the lines of passed correspondence, it is obvious that LUCIFER and allegiance to Lucifer was at the heart of the argument. The majority of members sought to take the order in the direction of a fraternal brotherhood and adopted the name United Ancient Order of Druids. The minority retained the original name and continued mixing their brotherhood with Lucifer-inspired mysticism. Both sides in the dispute retained a strong Masonic element to their rituals and the Ancient Order of Druids in particular had a considerable overlapping membership with British and Continental Freemasonry.

Therefore, the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids was founded in 1874 by a man called Wentworth Little. Mr. Little, like nearly all his fellow Druid-Witch buddies, was a Freemason and his secret society of upper class, high society druids was an exclusively Masonic society. All of its members had to have reached the degree of Master Mason (3rd degree rite) before joining. The purpose of the Ancient and Archaeological Order was to study the connections between Freemasonry and the druid tradition. One can ascertain from their studies that Druidism was interchangeable with Witchery – and it was the High Priest and High Priestess European covens of Witches that absorbed most of their studies. The summoning of the goat-Pan deity to orgiastic naked prancing parties in the grounds of their stately homes seems to have been the central preoccupation.

In 1866, Mr. Little founded the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRiA), a secret society not dissimilar to the Ancient and Archaeological Order of Druids – this fused the German idea of Alchemy with the summoning of Pan. SRiA members were also required to be Master Masons first and just as Little’s druid order studied Freemasonry and druidry so the S.R.i.A. also concerned itself with research – based around the alchemical ‘manifestos’ which were published near the home town of the present Duke of Edinburgh’s cousins.

It was three members of the S.R.i.A. – Mr. William Wynn Westcott, Samuel Liddle McGregor Mathers and Dr. W. Woodman who founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an order which has gained a notorious reputation largely by introducing Aleister Crowley to the occult teachings that were popular amongst aristocratic and royal witch covens in Germany. his, as they say, is just the tip of the iceberg – rather than being meaningless ancient history and badly researched drivel – this kind of information helps to orientate people living in today’s world and see before their very eyes that ROYAL WITCHES do actually exist – and that they have the richest and most valuable portfolio of shares and stocks in the world – and, therefore, are very much in control of our jobs, our incomes, our destinies and lives.

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