

Friday 16 May 2014

REVELATION : Disclosure of what has been concealed



Aliens Abduct Egos, Not Souls


What can be truly called ‘real’? In fact, we live in a world of illusion where nothing we see, hear, or feel is true. Our experiences are totally deformed by our three ego-governed bodies: 1) The mental body with its false belief systems and distorted thoughts; 2) The vital (astral, emotional) body with its desires, yearnings, passions, and lusts; The physical body with its animal needs and atavistic habits. 

Nowadays, the new item on the long list of abductee complaints is soul abduction.


A World of Illusion and Lies

The sudden disappearance of a person, their subsequent personality changes, the physical marks, the missing time, the implanted microchips, poltergeist phenomena, and many more obvious confirmations prove that something very dramatic did take place and, in many instances, keeps taking place over and over. The main problem is that we are missing some crucial information and this stops us from fully understanding the phenomenon of abductions. And with understanding comes power – the power to change things.

All Humans Are Hubrids

 What do Obama and Beyonce have in common? They are probably hubrids: human-alien hybrids. Actually, all humans are hubrids, since Homo sapiens was modified many times in the past by aliens and their masters to suit their purpose. That explains the various races on the planet. Obama, Beyonce and most of the famous and powerful are improved hubrids that are more ‘possessable’, thus easily controlled by their owners. Their abnormally-large vital bodies allow them to be charismatic (Pope Francis) and to perform occult tricks (Chris Angel). Contactees, abductees and milabs are often such hubrids and most of them have psychic powers that are put in the service of their masters. Whether the being possessing a hubrid is an alien or a demon makes no difference. The problem is that we keep bowing down to them and offering them our vital energy in various forms: awe, admiration, lust, jealousy, envy, anger, hate, obedience, reverence, etc. There is no reason for them to stop this power game, since we give them what they crave. If we want things to change, we will have to change ourselves. We cannot count on the lies and deceptions of aliens and their demonic buddies. The problem is that we do not know who we really are. We still consider ourselves lesser than aliens and invisible entities. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s time that we acknowledge our true identity!

Aliens and Demons Live in the World of Illusion

Many researchers in the field claim that aliens-demons or ADs (let us link them together, as they work as partners) have been running the show for millions of Earth years, both on our planet and elsewhere in the universe. They call the highest level of control the demiurge, a term first coined by Plato and later adopted by the Gnostics. Others call this top honcho Lucifer or the Great Architect. Christians call it God and Muslims, Allah. It is the god in charge of the mental, vital, and physical worlds that are in relation with planet Earth. It is the god of illusion. A human being living on Earth owns a very special soul that grows from one incarnation to the next and a special body that is able to host this soul. There have been so many combinations and alterations in the earthbound human body in the past millennia that it can no longer be ruled by a single deva (god of a species). Thus, a human being only has one real boss: its soul, the Supreme Being individualized in space-time. This means that the unlimited, omnipotent, omniscient creator of the whole universe lies hidden inside humans in an individualized format.


Spirit is Spirit is Spirit

There have been many advanced civilizations before ours. Every time humanity on Earth became too technological or magical, and erred away from its mission – the manifestation of a divine being made out of divinized matter – some cosmic event brought about a planet cleansing. The destruction of Atlantis and Noah’s Great Flood are simply two recent ‘resets’.

“You need a million years of uninterrupted growth for a civilization to really mature and do something. You can’t grind it down to a pulp every twenty-five thousand years or sixty thousand years and expect it to start all over again, where there is no memory of what happened before. And this is what happens regularly [on Earth]… We have these pole shifts that happen regularly, we have these coronal mass ejections that happen every two thousand years that ruin all the electrical stuff ... it is a perfect planet for the evolution of souls and the creation of a new reign in matter!

What is coming now is not a ‘reset’. 

It is  a “revelation, disclosure of what has been concealed”



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