

Monday 5 May 2014

Karen Hudes Exposed by ALFRED WEBRE

I was expecting this. As I said in a previous post (referenced by Alfred, below), she was sharing disinfo that was so far off the mark that she didn’t come across to me as a “whistleblower”, but a disinfo artist, a faux whistleblower implanted in the truther community by the cabal.
The other day Gramy J at Cosmic Voice FB said Neil Keenan had a new post exposing Karen Hudes but took it down to make some modifications and would be reposting it soon. As of the writing of this post, they have not yet reposted…
But Alfred Lambremont Webre shared this. Apparently Karen is not only spreading disinfo, but is now actively engaged in attempting to thwart the work of Rev. Kevin Annett in bringing to justice the child trafficking operation at the Vatican under the Black Pope Jorge Bergolio AKA Pope Francis.  ~ BP

Zionist disrupter Karen Hudes disrupting exposure of Vatican, introduces covert Israeli disrupter Eric Jon Phelps in attack on anti-Vatican activists



Child trafficker & Satanic infant murderer Pope Bergoglio – Israeli plane bearing Vatican logo to bring pope back to Rome after May 2014  visit
by Alfred Lambremont Webre

VANCOUVER, BC – Karen Hudes, a self-styled defector from the Rothschild controlled IMF-World Bank complex who designates herself as “Acting General Counsel of the World Bank” in letters of attempted intimidation against long-standing whistleblowers in the Exopolitics areas, has introduced a fellow covert Israeli-Zionist disrupter to disrupt the exposure of child trafficker and Satanic infant murderer Pope Jorge Bergoglio, now on trial before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels as an arch criminal who in some future scenarios attempts to introduce a global police state in conjunction with a world monarchy [UK Monarchy], under the sponsorship of City of London bloodline banking families.

Letter to a colleague attacked by Karen Hudes

In a letter to a colleague against whom Karen Hudes attempted an intimidation as “Acting General Counsel of the World Bank”, I wrote:
Hi! I am very sorry that Karen Hudes has extended campaign of her open information warfare from Kevin Annett of the International Common Law Court of Justice now to you.
 As an informal legal adviser to the Court and Kevin, I have been tracking her unwarranted attacks upon the court and its prosecution of an international ring on pedophiles in high places in government, finance, media and in the churches and the Vatican.
   After due consultation with other parties whom Karen Hudes has attacked, we have concluded that Karen Hudes (who I initially cordially welcomed as a fellow Yale Law School grad and activist colleague) is a mole and a controlled asset on a malicious and negative faction, tasked to disrupt the truth movement.
    Here is an article from my friend and colleague Jean Haines website (Jean lives here in BC) and we have discussed Karen Hudes at length. The article documents some of Karen Hudes covert ties:

March 13, 2014
Karen Hudes: Whistleblower or Deceiver?

As to course of action, you can most readily decide what to do or ignore.
In some cases the best action is to take no action.
On the other hand, her own letter does expose Karen Hudes for what she is. And at the same time to engage her is to engage very negative energy.
 I have engaged her publicly and exposed her. The wisest course may be to just shield against this energy.
 I hope this helps.
 Please let me know your thoughts.

Analysis of Karen Hudes Disruper operations

One public analysis of Karen Hudes disrupter operations states:

Both Karen and her husband are Marxist  Jews. They have a daughter, Elizabeth (about age 21). Karen is very careful never to reveal anything about her Ashkenazi Jewish background, family, private interests. Karen worked for the World Bank, controlled by Jews, as a senior lawyer for many years and her husband has also worked for the World Bank as well. So how come, all of a sudden, she leaves the World Bank to become a “whistle-blower” exposing corruption at the the World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, US Justice system and US government? – attacking her own  fellow Jews? – it simply doesn’t make sense does it?

The real truth is she is a Jewish ‘disinformation agent’ or ambassador of the bankers themselves working for the British. What she is saying is briefly this: “I am here to forewarn you all that the old, out-dated, corrupt, Bretton Woods banking system has had its day, and is about to be replaced with a new world order financial system and World Currency Unit.” It is really as simple as that.
Barry Spergel, her husband, was born on 23 May, 1952, and is an Environment Financing Consultant and international lawyer with his office at home. Amongst his many positions, he has helped design environmental funds in more than 25 countries, including drafting up legal documents, operations manuals, grant-making procedures, investment policies, and fundraising strategies. HE has also negotiated Debt-for-Nature swaps for the World Bank.  He has written global forestry laws and environmental protection laws; and designed new environmental taxes and user fees (user fees which will soon be introduced all around the world for the public to access their own privatized, UN-controlled national parks!!!!) and PES and REDD. He has also helped design and evaluate many projects for GEF, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), KFW, AFD, USAID, WWF, CI, TNC, IUCN etc.

Barry Spergel attended Yale Law School 1975-1978, which Karen Hudes also attended, and it is presumed that is where they first met and subsequently he became Karen’s husband. Karen was born in 1948.
Barry Spergel was Senior Legal Counsel and Director for Conservation Finance at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) USA based at 1250 24th Street, NW Washington, DC, from 1989 to 2003, a very long time! The WWF was founded on 29 April 1961 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, with five others including Julian Huxley and Godfrey A. Rockefeller (all eugenicists). Today the WWF is based in Switzerland, has HRH The duke of Edinburgh as its president Emeritus, has revenues of over 525 million euros, has over 5 million supporters worldwide, is the world’s largest conservation organization, and derives approximately 57% of its funding from individuals and bequests, 17% from the World Bank, DFID, and USAID, and 11% from corporations. Karen Hudes, his wife, interestingly,  was a Senior Legal Counsel at the World Bank. Both the  WWF (USA) and World Bank work together, and indirectly are controlled by City of London Jews with the British Monarchy at the head.
Mr. Spergel has worked with Michael Rothschild of the Walton Family Foundation on the Forever Costa Rica Project, the first such program in a developing country to permanently meet the UN Global Protected-Area Goals. He is involved with the 2013-2017 Mediterranean MPA Network Strategy to introduce UN-mandated Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean.  He has developed the Practice Standards for Conservation Trust Funds for the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA)

Read the rest of this post at Exopolitics…

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