

Thursday 15 May 2014

A Warm Welcome : The Man who drives the Dragon from the Door

Anton Styger would like people to understand
the invisible aspects of life,
so that they too are capable
of helping themselves
in an emergency.
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Anton Styger came into the world a clairvoyant. Like many mediums, he can see auras and astral and discarnate beings. Unlike most clairvoyants, however, he does not use his rare gift to earn money by contacting the “dead”. No, Anton Styger is totally committed to delivering the dark companions polluting the ether from their earthly binds.

“I turned to all the spirits sitting there:

‘Do you believe in angels?’


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 Anton Styger was born in 1947 in central Switzerland, in a little valley called the Ägerital. His idyllic childhood was spent in the midst of a typical Swiss landscape with a lake surrounded by mountain peaks and a home shared with animals big and small. Often he would go off on his own with his pony and was able to while away his days in daydream, or observing all sorts of natural sprites, elves and fairies going about their business

A pure materialist might
consider Anton Styger
a complete lunatic.
. “They were always very timid and if I went nearer on horseback, they quickly disappeared. It was only if I dismounted, sat down in the grass, if the horse was quiet and happily grazing a few metres away, that they would come out again. At first tentatively, but often also cheekily and in high-spirits. I couldn’t always see them clearly; it depended on my frame of mind. If I was wallowing in any sort of sorrowful thoughts, I noticed that they didn’t dare come near me,”
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NATURE SPIRITS normally live quite shyly near humans and their domestic animals. Often around farms or houses which are fairly secluded or have a garden. Several generations of these dwarves then live there. They do not really become older than they were previously as animals. They observe us human beings and want to learn from us. There are elves and fairies that are links between humans and plants, flowers, bushes and trees. In winter they are fond of staying in houses, and they can be seen as bluish spheres of light or hovering as will-o’-the-wisps in the room or between the house plants.  


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