

Saturday 5 April 2014

COBRA : Report About the Japan and Taiwan Conferences and QEG overunity devices


Both conferences were a huge success. 

Just a few days before Mojiko conference there was a 4th magnitude earthquake in the area, the strongest in the last 40 years. That was a sign of the purification which came during the conference weekend, when we successfully cleared the Hiroshima and Nagasaki areas of mostly all etheric radioactivity on Saturday, and we sucessfuly repeated the same process with Fukushima on Sunday. Many souls which were trapped in those areas have been liberated and guided into the Light during the process. 
When I was traveling through Hiroshima the next day, the city's energy signature was not of a city which went through a nuclear bomb explosion, but of an average industrial city, like many other cities with heavy industry throughout the world:

In Taiwan we had a very strong and dedicated group of people and exactly when we did the vortex activation for Taipei City, a sudden thunderstorm with torrential rain appeared out of nowhere and purified the city.

A demonstration video of a working QEG overunity device was shown at the conference by the Fix the World team.
After the conference we visited the QEG production facility in Taiwan where the team was just starting to assemble cores for the QEGs:

Now, just a few days later, they are already getting raw power from the same cores:
You can assist the Fix the World team by donating here:
If you are building your own QEG, you can visit the main QEG networking hub here:
That website contains detailed practical information about all stages of the QEG manufacturing process and is an excellent networking tool to connect with other groups which are building their own QEGs.
Besides all work for the conferences, I was having several meetings with the representatives of different Dragon groups. During those meetings and negotiations, important strategies for different key aspects of the planetary liberation process were agreed upon and that will have a very positive long lasting influence on the geopolitical situation on the surface of this planet. 

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