

Wednesday 12 March 2014

TANAATH : Silver Legion Updates : STUFF ... New Post



So someone commented that we were getting pretty high up on the comment numbers in the other thread, so here's a new thread, with a little bit of information.

First of all, yes, I am retired from radio speaking at this time. This retirement will last until I can 'put my money where my mouth is', as they say over here. I've seen a lot of people on the internet complain that people like me should put out or shut up, so I don't see the problem with actually taking that advice, and shutting up until I can put out. I won't make things up in a vain attempt to keep myself relevant. I won't knowingly release something I don't believe is true. I've already released what I know, so until I have something new, I'll keep my peace.

This also means I won't be releasing a lot of comments on other things that are going on, for the most part. I've been reading your comments and discussions here over the last little while, and I don't think you need me to tell you Ukraine is a Cabal operation with multiple objectives, some obvious and some not so obvious. You've already figured that out really well. People have already figured out that the snipers were Blackwater/Academi mercenaries, that the protests were funded by the Cabal (masquerading as the USA), that there's a pyramid in Crimea, and that Russia has not actually invaded Crimea and the worldwide news is distinctly partisan to whatever the Cabal wants us to believe - which is usually opposite of the actual truth.

Nor do you need me to tell you that the mysterious vanishing plane is not exactly a run-of-the-mill aviation incident. The only thing I can release about that situation at this time is that there was ET action involved and that it was by positives, and no one was killed. That's what I've been told by Admiral Mander. I can't verify this in the real world for kind of obvious reasons. I don't have any other details, such as which specific group was involved, how it was done, why it was done, or why they could do that yet we're still getting bombarded by chemtrails. If dawn comes tomorrow with news stories of wreckage found, I've either been told wrong/heard wrong/am crazy or that stuff was planted to assist the downed-plane narrative to prevent this from becoming a form of soft disclosure.

Alex Collier's post has some factual information but a lot of stuff that doesn't appear to be accurate according to my sources. Please feel free to use your own discernment rather than relying on mine to sort out what's real and what's not. I will state this... if any group tries to abandon their incarnates, there will be repercussions. Also, the situation at hand does not support the pulling out of the positive ET forces at this time or in the foreseeable future. Maybe whoever Alex Collier is talking to thinks that ETs should pull out. However, they're going to have to make the Silver Legion leave, because we don't abandon our people. Trying to force us would be enough cause for us to remove anyone attempting to force us to abandon our people. Trying to force us to abandon our people would be a dick move of epic proportions, and we don't expect they'd survive the attempt.

This suggestion to use discernment goes also for Cobra's post, or anything anyone says including myself. I will state that we have noticed that Cobra posts more that seems to be actually beneficial these days. Yes, the situation he is describing with weapons capable of destroying the entire universe (and possibly others that get caught in the back-blast) is real. He's able to talk about it because it is no longer the threat it was (though there is still much work to be done). We've long been saying that the situation on Terra affects far more than this planet. That's why. Those demanding ET just go fuck off and leave you alone... no. Not when you're harbouring that. Once that situation has been diffused entirely and is no longer a risk in any way, shape, or form, and we have retrieved our personnel... then we'll discuss it.

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