

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Remote Viewing Experts Declare Major Announcements To Happen On March 15 2014

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Hi Everyone!

Below is the latest Farsight Implications Posting #20. We are very close to the major announcement that will happen this Saturday, 15 March 2014, the so-called "Ides of March." This announcement has the potential to change things on this planet for the better in a major way. Again, we are not talking about Earth changes, presidential revelations, ET landings, second comings, cataclysms, or anything like that. This is bigger and more important in its own way, and very positive. You will see.


Courtney Brown, Ph.D., Director

The Farsight Institute


Implications Posting #20:

The contemporary practice that utilizes the masses themselves to act as censors of dissenting information was initiated in the 1950s. Typically, individuals (called “seeders”) are strategically placed in any audience listening to a potentially threatening alternate information source. The job of seeders is to consistently challenge the purpose and accuracy of the information source (a process known as “cheerleading”) until authentic and well-meaning members of the audience begin to repeat the challenges by themselves. The strategically placed individuals are then withdrawn, leaving no evidence of mass manipulation. Honest critics in the audience vehemently deny the existence of strategic attacks, unwittingly covering the tracks of the seeders.


1. This is one of a series of “Implications Postings” that refer to an announcement that will be made during the month of March 2014. Once made, news of this announcement will be available at and elsewhere.

2. These postings are designed to encourage broad public discussion of the March 2014 announcement. They do not directly address the specific content of the announcement.


Here is a Facebook page where you can read some of the discussions going on about the upcoming announcement. You do not need to be a member of Facebook to read this page:

Also, below is the latest graphic that marks the countdown to the announcement.
 4 Days

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