

Thursday 27 March 2014

Obama Meets with Jesuit to Discuss Project Bluebeam (27th Mar 2014)


Obama meets Pope Francis during Rome visit

World Leaders meet March 24th 2014 

wearing Illuminati Pyramids 


Asteroid Chariklo's rings surprise astronomers:

Does our solar system have a SUPER EARTH?: 

Macarius of Egypt founded a monastery that bears his name, the Monastery of Saint Macarius the Great, which has been continuously inhabited by monks since its foundation in the fourth century. St. Macarius’ face used to be enlightened with grace in an amazing way to the extent that many fathers testified that his face used to glow in the dark; and thus appeared his name as “the glowing lantern.” This description was transferred to his monastery, and thus it was called “the glowing lantern of the wilderness” or “the glowing monastery,” which meant the place of high wisdom and constant prayer.

Mystery Teachings of Ancient Egypt




Mystery Teachings Research Notes - 

The Real 13 Tribes of Israel




Manly P. Hall - 

The Only Begotten Son Of The Father 




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