

Sunday 23 March 2014

Michael Lee Hill and AR Bordon (Secret Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)

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A Letter to Michael Lee Hill



We distinctly get it that it has to do with what your friends who are not from here want you to learn and evolve into. You see, right now, they see and sense your good heart and open, connected intention and life giving ways. You also have music in you, but not in the sense of just playing the guitar or composing songs.

You see, to create matter, you need music -- or more specifically, sounds.

Not just any one sound, but specific sound frequencies in combination.

You'll also learn about this in the course of your concentration.

And you'll learn how to use them to light encode objects out of thin air.


And the synchronicities do not end there.

The kind of music you may come to know and write and produce will be nothing like what exists today, because you'll most likely learn to use the true Pythagorean scale, from which creation itself comes. Think also of the value of getting to know your flying friends ... READ MORE HERE .


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