

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Who Wrote the Reptilian Agenda? By John Lash


Amazingly, whatever the significance of their content—and we have yet to comprehend what that might be—the Nag Hammadi Codices (NHC) are the earliest surviving examples of bound books.  Close reading of these arcane materials shows that Gnostics, as teachers in the ancient Mysteries were called, were deeply concerned with an alien intrusion upon humankind.

Entities they called "Archons" appear to be identical to the ETs of modern UFOlogy.  The codices indicate both Gray and reptilian types: namely, a reptilian or "drakonic" type and and a neonate type, suggested by the image of a prematurely born fetus.  The former are the overlords, the latter, servile, robotic drones who obey a hive-mentality.  The NHC do not contain graphic physical descriptions of these alien intruders, but present ample information to profile them comparatively with the two types of ETs most widely discussed today.


Alien Profile

Perhaps one-fifth of the intelligible material in the NHC concerns the origin, methods, and motives of the "Archons," also called "authorities, governers."

 Their name derives from arche-, "first, from the beginning," because, according to Gnostic cosmology, they emerged at an early stage of the solar system previous to the formation of the earth.  These bizarre entities may be regarded as a locust-like species of cyborgs with silicon-based bodies so designed to permit only brief forays into the earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere. They inhabit the solar system at large, traveling among the planets in alien-engineered spacecraft.  Gnostics texts hint that they may be compared to custodial engineers of the inanimate clockwork mechanism of the system. Some, but not all, UFO sightings and abductions may be attributed to them.

Although archons do exist physically, the real danger they pose to humanity is not invasion of the planet but invasion of the mind.

The tablets describe two Annunaki leaders, Enki and his half-sister Ninhursag, who produce a hybrid slave race by mixing their divine genes with the inferior genes of the lu-lu, the indigenous ape-like peoples of the planet.  Thus, an alien “interbreeding program” is central to the Annunaki narrative.  This is also a key event in the "reptilian agenda."

It is an indisputable fact that this story is written down in the oldest surviving records, but is the story itself a fact?  And if Annunaki intervention were not a fact, but a fiction presented as fact, how would we know?  How would we be able to tell the difference?

Several passages in the NHC describe the "alien interbreeding program," yes, but always treating it as a failed venture:

The Archons came to Adam.  When they saw Eve talking to him they said to each other:
‘What sort of creature is this luminous woman?’ … Now come, let us lay hold of her and cast our seed into her, that she may become soiled and unable to access her inner light. Then those who she bears will be under our charge…  But Eve, being a free power, laughed at their decision. She put mist in their eyes [and escaped them].”  (On the Origin of the World, NHC II, 5 : 116.10ff)

This is one of several riveting passages that show Eve, the primal woman who represents the human race, outwitting the archons. Another text describes how Eve leaves her “phantom image” for the archons to defile, but they are unable to access her body, i.e., human genetic structure.  If the Gnostics knew what they were talking about, and were not themselves merely fabricating a tall tale, the Archon/Annunaki race did attempt to interbreed with humanity, but failed.

If this is true, the cuneiform record is a lie, a deliberate fiction intended to deceive.  It is mythological disinformation.  That possibility must be allowed, but can it be investigated?

Trick someone in that way and you have them in control, under your "authority."  Although in fact you command no real power of them, the fabrication taken for real commands the mind and actions of those so duped. 


Serpentine Wisdom

Another account of the failed rape of Eve occurs in The Reality of the Archons, NHC II, 4. Here again the Mystery teachers offer wise counsel concerning the reptilian factor in human evolution. According to the Gnostics, the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a benefactor because it advised the first humans to eat the forbidden fruit that opened their eyes to heightened or paranormal perception. The Reality of the Archons says explicitly ...

The female spiritual principle came through the snake, the instructor.

This passage identifies the psychophysical energy known in Asian mystical practices as kundalini, "The Serpent Power."

 This electricity-like spiralling energy called "Kundalini", belongs equally to the cosmos, the earth, and the human body, integral to our corporeal and spiritual make-up. It has been universally equated with goddess divinities or shaktis. Raising kundalini is the aim of yogic practices that have persisted for thousands of years.  The serpentine power is also the form of divine energy-intelligence witnessed by countless people who have undergone ayahuasca trance. 

Veteran shamans assert that this serpentine power is an actual dynamism of nature, a supernatural creature to be encountered in the altered state of ayahuasca trance, over and over again. Sacha Mama, the great serpentine wisdom goddess of the Amazon, is identical with the Rainbow Serpent of the Australian Aborigines.  Countless other examples and parallels of the "female spiritual principle" could be given.

But note carefully: this telluric vision serpent is not a reptilian entity. A serpent is a reptile, but not every reptile is a serpent. An iguana, a salamander, a monitor lizard from Indonesia—these are reptiles, but not serpents. No one mistakes a lizard for a garden snake. The snake exhibits a particular legless morphology of the reptilian class of creatures, distinct and separate from other reptilians. But where in all the accounts and analyses of the reptilian agenda, does anyone make this obvious distinction?

So far. Nowhere.

The Serpentine Wisdom Endowment

Whatever the threat to humanity, real or imagined, coming from reptilians such as the scaly overlord of the Gnostic archons, the gift of the serpent power is clear.  In all esoteric systems, eastern and western, the serpent is the agent and symbol of wisdom—Sophia.  In Asia and the Western Mysteries, masters of the coiling energy were called "serpents of wisdom." 

They were teachers, healers, and guides, not power-crazed theocrats or tyrants who claimed descent from alien serpent gods. Gnostic initiates and their counterparts in the ancient world never claimed to be descendents of off-planet deities, as theocratic rulers did, citing the Annunaki script.

The benevolent and healing serpent power is a spiritual birthright that bonds the human species directly to the planetary goddess.  Kundalini is essential to the wisdom endowment that nature has implanted in us for sanity. Countless myths attest to the beauty and power of the serpentine connection.  Eve, the instructor, did not merely eat the forbidden fruit presented by the snake in Eden.  She herself is an instrument of the serpent power.  The role of this power as a teacher, healer, and visionary guide to the human species is immeasurably great, and the record of its presence stands out everywhere in ancient mythology, mystical and esoteric traditions, and indigenous lore.


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