

Thursday 23 January 2014

WES PENRE Fourth Level of Learning : "The Real Story of Isis" and Genetic Manipulation


by Wes Penre, Written on Thursday, October 31, 2013
Posted on Thursday, January 23, 2014
Edited by Professor Bob Stannard

Table of Contents:


Artemis, with bow and arrow.

I. Introduction to The Orion and Artemis Myth

The Orion and Artemis Story is these days related to Greek and Roman mythology, but the story itself is much more ancient. I am telling this story to the readers because it’s highly relevant to Gaia’s history, and what really happened here on Earth after Prince Ninurta and most of his team managed to escape from the trap, which Lucifer tried to close after the Titan War. As usual, much of the evidence lies in our old mythology, which is nothing more and nothing less than allegories of what truly happened. The scribes—especially those who were real historians and wanted to preserve the history for coming generations—found themselves living under a regime of a controlling “god” force, which wouldn’t allow them to tell the true story. Hence, the truth had to be hidden in allegories, metaphors, and sometimes in pure fairytales. Still, it was written in such a way that those who wanted to know would find the truth in these “mythological” stories.


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