

Thursday 23 January 2014

Nassim Haramein's Black Whole Theory Supports The Work Of Danny Wilten

There is a mystery associated with the Orion constellation found in indigenous cultures all over the world that dates back to ancient Egypt. If one does the research, they will find that God is repeatedly associated to the Orion nebula. Embark on a journey that challenges our very reality, modern physics including the theory of relativity, and the nature of reality through the discovery of the Hall Of Records that lies within the Orion constellation.

Black Hole In Orion Nebula Discovered
One Year Before NASA By Danny Wilten

The Black Whole (full movie) by Nassim Haramein

Black Whole uncovers scientific proof that we are one. The work of physicist, Nassim Haramein, provides insight into the structure of space-time and a new coherent model of the universe. Using the sacred geometry and codes in ancient monuments and documents, the film presents a new look at the reality of which we live. As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the "Holofractographic Universe."

Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations. Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.

This unification theory, known as the Haramein-Rauscher metric (a new solution to Einstein's Field Equations that incorporates torque and Coriolis effects) and his most recent paper The Schwarzschild Proton, lays down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in our current understandings of physics and consciousness. This groundbreaking theory has now been delivered to the scientific community through peer-reviewed papers and presentations at international physics conferences. Further, The Schwarzschild Proton paper has recently received the prestigious "Best Paper Award" in the field of physics, quantum mechanics, relativity, field theory, and gravitation at the University of Liège, Belgium during the 9th International Conference CASYS'09.


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