

Friday 17 January 2014

ALIEN AGENDA 111 Sharon’s Death : the Third Force and the Planned Desolation of Jerusalem … by Preston James


 "Once upon a time"

Last week Ariel Sharon was unplugged from his respirator after 8 years of existing in a coma-like state. Does Sharon’s death signify a new turning point in the future of Israel?

However, before that can be answered folks need to investigate and gain understanding why was he allowed to die now after being kept “alive” on life support for eight years.

And they also need to understand why Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated as well as a very strange and evil Alien Agenda that is engineered to “take no prisoners”.

Sharon is finally dead

This Alien Agenda responsible is now being imposed on the whole world through only a few top Policy-Makers who are strategically positioned at the top positions of power that sit at the nexus of the hidden worldwide occult network and the secret shadow government.

This positioning has placed them in key positions as principal Cutouts for the Third Force which is only beginning to make its presence and power evident to the masses. Such strategic positions place them at the top of world power hierarchies allowing them to set top policies in every government of the world.

It has been alleged by insiders close to top policy-Makers that Marduk came down from the heavens within the last year after many years of exile, was greeted by numerous top world officials, and was crowned King of Africa at Mandela’s funeral.

Supposedly Marduk’s exile of many years ago (going back to the Enochian Epoch) was a sentence enforced on Him for violating God Almighty’s Cosmic Rules of Play.

And one of the main rules is this, unless a certain critical mass of the earth’s human inhabitants violate the Golden Rule of “do unto others as you want them to do to you” (AKA “love your neighbor as you love yourself), Marduk and such ET alien leaders cannot bridge humans sovereignty. So obviously alien Mass mind-kontrol and Hollywood culture (AKA Hollywoodism) are major tools that have been employed to “dirty up” humans and seduce them into giving consent to the Alien ET beings. These Alien ET beings are believed to be inter-dimensional spirit beings, many regard as fallen angels, Nephilim, demons, Jinns or evil entities that live many centuries.

Domination of Israel has been the desired Crown Jewel for hundred of years by the European kings and Nobility, the British Knights, and the Knights Templars because in the past alien ETs prophesized to them in secret encounters (some called them personal guides after making a luciferian blood contract) that a NWO Caesar of the Ages will be seated and crowned in a newly rebuilt temple like Salomon’s. These folks believed that taking Jerusalem and discovering its secrets would unlock eternal life and they would become Kings of the world themselves when the NWO ruler descended form the Heavens ...



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