

Monday 30 December 2013


In mid March, 1957, we received an urgent message from the Alexandria Police Department. The message indicated that two of their on-duty police officers had picked up an alien who had landed some 14 miles south of Pentagon Boulevard, and the occupant was transported to the Pentagon to meet with the Under Secretary of Defense and then shuttled underground to meet with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon. The meeting lasted for nearly an hour and then, the alien visitor was put on

VIP status and was shuttled back to the Pentagon where he spent the night in the Army reception office on the first floor near the concourse. This alien's name was Valiant Thor.

Val Thor landed in Alexandria and met with the President to discuss the world's problems and offer advice and counsel on how to deal with and eliminate them. He indicated to Mr. Eisenhower that the world was in a precarious situation and that if the world continued to proceed on a war footing - it would cause an economic imbalance throughout the world. Val Thor stayed on Earth until March 16, 1960, and then disembarked to his home planet Venus. He indicated that his race of people lived and dwelled underground and that many of the planets throughout the universe sustain life in this same manner. He also mentioned the waves of aliens who would land around the world to help with the Earth's seemingly insurmountable problems. He stated that a group from a distant planetary system would be coming to give aid and data to help the Earth's progress. Val Thor spoke of Christ's presence in the universe and that it was heartwarming to see Christ's advanced teaching continuing. 
Valiant Thor, A Created Being (Angel in human form), lands on Earth on March 16th, 1957, and lives at the Pentagon for 3 years under the Eisenhower Administration.

"The landing of Valiant Thor was perhaps the first documented landing of a human-type alien by military officials. He met with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon for an hour, then the alien was put on VIP status and shuttled back to the Pentagon." --Harley Byrd, Project Blue Book, United States Air Force


UFO On The Water.

It has been stated in the past that Val Thor has a space craft that is on the water of Lake Mead near Las Vegas. Here is some information about that UFO:

"Then I saw it. An actual, saucer-shaped vehicle was sit- ting on the water. I noticed a strange phenomena. The waves were gently rocking a power boat tied to the rough mooring, causing the boat to rise and fall. However, I noticed that the space craft DID NOT MOVE. I was to be informed later that the ship was equipped with a pencil-fine beam that when fixed on any solid object kept the ship from moving even one degree from that fixed position. As we neared the ship, it glis- tend in the light of the sun that was beautifully setting, rapidly. We sailed close to the craft with the motor cut off. Then an aperture opened, revealing two smiling faces. One man and one woman greeted me by name, took my hand, lifted me into the ship and then reached down for Val. A short time later, the small power-craft was also raised aboard and stowed in a compartment where a much larger power craft was also seen. My first impression was one of great exhilaration min- gled with joy and excitement. I had read from time to time true accounts that had changed the lives of other UFO researchers and investigators. I have read many books that carefully outlined the experiences of those who had experi- enced actual space contact. But now it was different. It was happening to me. I remembered how my colleagues in the Christian ministry looked with disdain upon anyone who would dare relate incidents about "space people", "space vehicles" and such. But now I found myself caring less what anyone would possibly think of me because of my own expe- riences. I was there!!!"

Valiant Thor - A Venusian At The Pentagon [Rev. Frank E. Stranges]


1 comment:

  1. Phil Schneider States that val Thor has 6 digits on each hand and foot,
    Yet in the photo it clearly shows he only has 5?????
