

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Starchild Skull - UFO Researcher Memorial - Lloyd Pye

The truth is something Lloyd Pye has been searching for his entire life. Born September 7, 1946 in Houma, Louisiana he earned a football scholarship to Tulane University in New Orleans as a Running back and Punter.. He graduated with a B.S. in psychology and from there joined the U.S. Army as a military intelligence specialist.

Pye began writing in 1975, and became a screenwriter in the 1980s. He worked on the TV Series 'Scarecrow and Mrs. King' about a spy and a housewife. In 1995 he transitioned from fiction to non-fiction.

His career as researcher, speaker and author led him to his work with the Star child Skull and since 1999, Lloyd Pye and The Star child Project have studied a 900-year-old human-like skull trying to find answers about it's true origin. That has been his primary focus and in 2011 at the IUFOC he spoke about his about findings.

One of the more frustrating aspects to Pye's work was going up against what he described as the "brainwashing" that goes on in the education system as well as his frustration with breaking beyond the barriers of contemporary science's viewpoints.

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