

Thursday 26 December 2013

James Gilliland and George Kavassilas December 24th 2013


In 2003 George was to have an experience that changed everything. His galactic family visited and picked him up and took him to a large ship situated closer to the Sirius Star System. They facilitated an experience which saw George take a journey with his conscious spirit up through the dimensions of our Universe. He was able to rediscover what life here in this Universe is all about. He was able to once again know who we all are, where we come from and where we are headed.
Even though George was being exploited from a very young age by malevolent beings, upon returning from this experience he was targeted by a group calling themselves the galactic federation of light (GFL). They intentionally took that experience away by screening his recall and twisting his memories. The reason for this was, so that they could assimilate George into their structure and paradigm with the intention of using him to promote their propaganda. As a result, in July of 2004 George held a series of talks, which was filmed and released to the public with George claiming to be a representative of the GFL. It took him several years of realisations and soul searching to re-connect to his true essence and memories of the actual experience which took place. The most difficult and challenging aspect for him was overcoming the internal divide that the GFL created not only between the heart and the head but also between the lower self and higher self. After achieving even more clarity, he felt that it was absolutely necessary to speak out, as humiliating as it was, and go public to admit that he had been manipulated.

As George says:

"The time of THE GREAT CHANGE is upon us, and is the outcome for those who embarked on a journey eons ago. All who have chosen to be here at this time are about to experience a transformation of a magnitude that few on Earth can currently comprehend, and of which multitudes in the Universe regard in the highest esteem. The transformation of our Divine Mother Earth and her Humanity into Beings of Light and Universal Creators."

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