

Thursday 19 September 2013

NEW COBRA : Interview with Alexandra Meadors - 17 September 2013

You might want to listen to this new Cobra interview:

* Dimension Shift
* Cabal
* Martial Law
* Operation Stardust
* Comet Ison* 1st October Fema Preparation
* Obama
* Nuclear Weapons Propaganda
* MK Ultra False Flags
* Colorado Flooding
* Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock, David Icke, Alex Jones
* Prepare for Change Groups
* New Financial System & BRICS
* Galactic Confederation & GFL
* Pope, Jesuits, Muslim Brotherhood
* Cabal Fractions Jesuits, Rockerfellers, Bushes etc.
* 14% Tax

And enjoy the progress of the Eastern Alliance:

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