

Monday 6 May 2013

KERRY CASSIDY : PROJECT CAMELOT … I have been visited by certain beings who first of all made sure I attended the Citizen Hearing

I can say, that I have been visited by certain beings who first of all made sure I attended the Citizen Hearing and secondly have communicated with me as of a few hours ago, revealing they are watching events closely.
They are basically communicating that they are here on Earth, among us and that they could have walked into the proceedings and made themselves known.  

However, they chose not to do so.  

What I am getting is that these particular visitors are not the race holding this planet in control.. And so, for them to appear at the hearings would have been regarded as an act of war.  So they choose to stay in the background.

Disclosure is our right and our prerogative.  We as a people and a Planet can and should proceed along this path and will ultimately be successful in awakening the masses.

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