

Sunday 12 May 2013


Short Planetary History

About 8 million years ago there was a group of powerfully conscious Archangels. One of them had an idea. He wondered what it would be like to cut himself off from the Source. He wondered what matter would feel like. With His enormously sophisticated Intelligence and using technology of the dimensional chamber along with strong electromagnetic fields, He cut himself away from The Source. Immediately He regretted what He had done. He could not find a way to go back. This was the first moment of darkness.

This Being wanted help so he trapped other Angels and Beings, so as not to be alone, and to try to find a way back. Then they all realised what they had done to themselves and they could not find a way out. They decided to conquer the Universe and so started invading planets and spreading darkness. This was the birth of the dark forces. This was an extremely conflicting era for the Galaxy.

When the Light forces discovered this and realised what had happened, Archangel Michael set a barrier fence around the infected areas so that the darkness could not spread. Other Light Beings created a magnificent Starfleet, the beginning of the Galactic Confederation, to liberate planets under dark forces. This was the beginning of the Galactic Wars.

We have these memories in our subconscious. Some of the producers working in the film-making arena are not creating science fiction but visions of our collective memories, like the Star Wars movies.

6 Astronaut carvings on Cathedral built 1100 years ago.

In the centre of our Galaxy there is the Galactic Central Sun. This is our source of Light. Souls are created there and expand out in all directions. When some beings became aware of Oneness they began creating a Galactic civilisation – a Galactic Brotherhood of Light. They chose to liberate the Galaxy of darkness. Our Galaxy is composed of two spiral vortexes and they contain 100 billion stars. This central Galactic civilisation chose to liberate the Galaxy of darkness. They started sharing and spreading the Light. They liberated one planet after the other, making great advancements. They nearly always won. 


25000 years ago all of the darkness fled from most of the Galaxy to our corner. These beings existed both on the physical and the non-physical planes. They had major strongholds in the Orion constellation and on Earth. They took humanity into hostage and created quarantine. No other Spaceships were allowed to land, without their approval. No contact was allowed between the people of earth and other visitors. They threatened the Light forces with nuclear war if they tried to interfere. The Light had to be extremely careful with this planet. We had also to take our free will into consideration. Star Seeds from other planets have incarnated here for intervention and 1st Contact when the time comes.

The critical mass of humanity is for this now. Each of us has a ‘Divine Right’ for this to happen.

The only reason we don’t interfere is because the Cabal get very nervous if we make 1st Contact. Also if people remember having direct contact with their Galactic Family members it can be dangerous for them. So at ‘The Event’ many people will remember things they have forgotten.


The Ascended Masters left the planet 25000, years ago. This was the Atlantean time. Around this time the vast majority of the Light forces retreated underground and developed the underground Agarthan cities and society, to help to maintain balance on our planet.

The Agarthan city Telos lies below Mt Shasta. It is a major underground city. Many Ascended Masters materialise in that area above surface. This inner Earth society is a 5th Dimensional society. Being 5th Dimensional it is aligned with higher purpose.

The Agarthan society networks easily, having high speed trains interconnecting their cities. Some people discovered these openings into the Earth among them the Mayan and Hopi people, as also the Anasazi, Incas and Greeks. Much of the Inca gold is in safekeeping underground, as are much of the Templars and Eldorado treasures.

We are completing that cycle right now. We are at the end. The quarantine will be lifted. The dark forces will be removed and we will join the Galactic Confederation.


The Archons lie behind three invasions of our planet during the timeframe of 5-6000 years ago and up until the present time. They have used their Reptilian minions in these invasions. One must remember that the Archons are not of human origin and the desire has been to create a stronghold here, which they then have successfully maintained up until now.


This invasion was about 6 - 5000, years ago in Russia. The invaders came through a portal. They invaded the peaceful European culture of the time. The goal of this invasion was to destroy the Goddess presence. The results of this invasion at this time lay the ground for the Macho Western Society. These invaders arrived to an area of what we now call Russia, and they continued their invasion moving out in every direction in time, East, West, North East and North West and South east and South West.


This invasion occurred during the last phase of the Roman Empire. The invaders used the same portal as the 1st invaders. Many Reptilians came through this portal. They were called the Barbarians.

Constantine the Great {306 -307} converted to Christianity. All the Roman emperors after Constantine except for Julian were Christians. Typically for the dark rulers he took all the old great wisdom and twisted it around to suit him. He became the ruler of the Roman Empire, and built the new eastern capital of Constantinople. He created the Catholic Cult. He gathered all of the Bishops and priests and all of the military and controlled all of these groups entirely. He then ordered the Khazar invaders {the so called Barbarian tribes} to invade and destroy the Roman Empire. It was at this time that the Catholic Church destroyed all of the Goddess Temples. The archon and reptilian {Khazar} invaders tore down each temple and built archon temples over these sites – with the intention of stifling the energy.***

The Bishop of Milan known as Theodosius the Great {this soul was totally Archon controlled} destroyed all the old mystery schools. He ordered the burning of the Alexandria library and the books were destroyed or put into the Vatican library.


This invasion occurred strangely enough, indeed amazingly enough in our time. This occurred in the year 1996. The dark ones created a portal in Africa in an area which includes the countries of Uganda, Rwanda and the Congo. This portal came into being by the creation of 12 subterranean nuclear explosions. They teleported huge numbers of Reptilians into this area.

These were then infiltrated into politics and the military and subsequently used in the genocide there. This may all seem very-very strange indeed but it also gives one an understanding of the terrible-terrible genocide that occurred there. It was so unbelievably savage.
This portal in Africa is now closed but there are a few Reptilians left that are hiding in the jungle. There are also dinosaur sightings!

NB: At the time of the 3rd Archon invasion, microwave technology, cell phone transmission towers were built into all the Churches to facilitate the controll of the evil grid - the Matrix. The real war of the Cabal is being played out on other planes. 

This was the absolute final, the absolute last invasion of this planet. These dark beings no longer have any nuclear devices that they can detonate as earlier explained.

There is an area in Eastern Europe, earlier known as Czechoslovakia, where a large group of Pleiadains have incarnated. The reason for this is because there has been a larger group of Archons in that area who had major plans to stop the awakening. There are of course connections between these Archons and the horrible genocides committed in the recent wars in this area.


'Knowledge is power' Sir Francis Bacon.

The 1st Atlantis.

The 1st Atlantis was not a physical one. It was the home of the Pleiadian Angels. They were discovering how to explore matter. They were also learning about the different levels of Consciousness, and the unification and merging of the male and female polarities. These angels decided to densify their planet to the physical plane but the planet exploded. Fragments of this planet went in all directions and a few small fragments landed on Earth. These fragments landed in the area of the country earlier known as Czechoslovakia. The stone that is found there and only there is called Moldavite – this is the stone that The Holy Grail is carved from. 

The 2nd Atlantis.

This was an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Ireland and Great Britain are a part of the remains of this. The real name of Ireland {Gaelic} is Tir Na Nog. This literally means ‘land of the forever young’. This was about 1 million years ago. That was a true Golden Age. They had very advanced technology in this civilisation.

Then about 900,000 years ago the Orions came here – the dark ones, and they started using their mind implantation technology. The actual machines they used would remind one of dental chairs. They used crystals with electric current into the body to program people. This was the beginning of all mind programming for humankind. They had two major programming programs. The 1st belief system program was to convince people to the belief that we are separate from God, the ‘Fall from Eden’ or Paradise. This separated us from our awareness of our higher consciousness, our ‘I Am’ consciousness.

The 2nd belief system program was to affect a separation between male and female polarities. This was done first on a psychological level and then on a physical level. Women have different psychological programming than men.

Each of us is a soul in a human body. Men are inclined to just use their bodies to grow in consciousness. This originated on the 2nd Atlantis.

Many Pleiadians and Sirians incarnated to Atlantis to heal this separation, having the goal to support the Light. About 16000 years ago a task force known as ‘The Order of the Star’ 144,000 Beings volunteered to incarnate here to heal this separation and integrate the darkness into Light. 
The 3rd Atlantis

Now when this planet is liberated soon we will enter into the 3rd Atlantis. When Saint Germaine was incarnated here as Sir Fracis Bacon he wrote about this.

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