

Saturday 4 May 2013



Quote:  ”Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51″…
VATICAN Church Connection and COVERUP
UFO Sightings “The Truth Embargo” Full Length Feature! Famed exopolitician Stephen Bassett joins us on Thirdphaseofmoon radio to discuss a pivotal event in ufology: The citizens hearing on disclosure from april 29 to May 3 in Washington DC at the National Press Club. Over 40 military witnesses, government officials, whistleblowers and top ufologists testified to retrited Congressmen and Senators. He discusses disclosure and why it is important we, the citizens push for disclosure.

Dr Steven Greer Testifies about Extra Terrestrial Technology


Citizens Hearing On Disclosure – Church Connection 


The Human Race must soon prepare to wake up to the fact that there is an Alien presence here, now, on our planet and visiting our planet.That we are being kept in the dark through the suppression and manipulation of the evidence gathered, evidence which proves, beyond any shadow of doubt, that their existence is a reality…

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