

Monday 8 April 2013

Lloyd Pye – Intervention Theory : JORDAN MAXWELL SHOW

Jordan and friends discuss with Lloyd, his fields of expertise including; intervention theory, the origins of human life, alien reality, hominoids (bigfoot, yeti, etc.), all of which make him a dynamic platform speaker regarding alternative knowledge.

Lloyd discusses the chromosome differences between man and primates. How science has become a Religion.

The 12th Planet, by Zecharia Sitchin, written in 1976, Sitchin theory discusses genetic engineering, 200,000 years ago man-humans were genetically engineered to work in the Gold Mines.

How the truth is hidden by the big universities and corporations, and how truth is often ridiculed. “By their fruits you shall know them”. Lloyd and Jordan discuss “Everything You Know Is Wrong” regarding Human Evolution.

How “They” wanted an unintelligent Human Race. “They” want Humans stupid, to keep Humans as inferior servants. The Annunaki could be the engineers.

How Humans by design, support a Dictator master. How this is in Humans genes. The Sheeple Gene. Keeping people (sheeple) in check with Liquor, Sports and TV.

Lloyd discuses how Annunaki had a glow about them. They are from deep deep space.

Who created us?


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