

Monday 1 April 2013


This old Asian scroll from Japan depicts a Japanese merchant happening upon a small flying saucer that's landed near a rice field.

Look carefully at the writing above the craft. The column on the right is not Japanese, it's a representation of the symbols the merchant saw on the craft and described to the artist who then added them to the scroll for accuracy.
New data now suggest that there actually was a prehistoric war in China with modern weapons. Some ancient writings of China that precede their calendar by as much as 300 years, and suggest that regions to the north were invaded by extraterrestrial forces. These alien armies built pyramids, enslaved the people, and battled defiant Asian warlords.

Yet another race, indigenous to the same area at that time, stepped into the battle. Gigantic men, 12-feet tall with flaming red hair and leather suits of armor, helped repel the alien intruders. It was a time when the ferocious giants roamed the earth. They saved China and perhaps the world driving the alien hordes back into the limitless depths of the void…

We all know how Zecharia Sitchin spoke of the Annunaki and other researchers spoked about the terrible air and nuclear war waged 25,000 to 30,000 years ago between two advanced city-states located in what’s now northern India and the great Mongolian Gobi Desert. But few in the West are familiar with another war that raged on between the early people of China, ruthless extraterrestrials, and the fabled red-haired giants from the frozen North Lands:

The incredible Chinese-Alien Wars.

An ancient scrap hints of a Alien war

Ancient scraps hint at alien war and giants

A horrific war

Scraps of information and myths among some people of Northern China and Southern Siberia relate the story of a horrific invasion from the sky when evil gods descended and made slaves of both man and beast.

Bits of information about the war still exist today

Bits of information about the war still exist

Although the earliest records of the war that lasted centuries were carved, archaic Jiǎgǔwén characters—a written language that modern Chinese calligraphy developed from—the ox scapulas and tortoise plastron carved with the historic happenings haven’t survived into modern times.

Jade artifact: faces of alien masters
Jade artifact: faces of alien masters

But the gist of the events and the aftermath were handed down and scraps of some of the earliest records written on rice paper and silk still survive.

Angry gods is said to have invaded a defenseless ancient China

Angry ‘gods’ invaded defenseless ancient China

Reconstruction of the invasion

Craft from another star system arrived in Northern China years before the Chinese created their calendar. According to Asian scholars, the Chinese calendar originated during the 14th Century B.C.E. Yet others insist an emperor named Huangdi invented the calendar much earlier. Legends claim it was invented as far back as 2,637 B.C.E.

Faded ancient scroll fragment relates a battle

Faded ancient scroll fragment relates a battle

The official calender seems to agree with the latter version and celebrates the Western year of 2012 as the Chinese year of 4710. Working backwards from that number the calendar started in the 27th Century B.C.E. The alien invasion, subjugation, and subsequent war began sometime during the 30th Century B.C.E. Although no Jiǎgǔwén records remain from that period of time, a 3,000-year-old rock carving depicting the alien invader-masters still exists. A Chinese scientist recently discovered the astounding rock carving near Guangdong, a province on the South China Sea coast. The carving fits in like another piece to the puzzle of China’s reluctant involvement in an interstellar war.

Chinese Scientist points out 3,000 year old carving of alien appearance

Scientist points out 3,000 year old carving of alien

The depiction of the extraterrestrial also corresponds to the ancient records of them: the aliens were tall, slim, often wore breathing apparatus (helmets) if outside their craft for extended periods of time and the helmets had two or three antennas that were described as slender bamboo shoots by the scribes that recorded the war.

Ancient Chinese disc also depicts alien war

Ancient Chinese disk also depicts alien war

After the aliens arrived the people of the region were swiftly forced into labor and reduced to slaves to serve their new ET masters. Unlike Sitchin’s Annanuki—he claimed the Sumerians and other ancient cultures kept records of their slavery to the sky gods and were forced to mine for gold—the people of what later became China were forced to build pyramids and were taught to manufacture pipes designed to suck some mysterious element from deep within the earth.



Astonishing 'Dropa stones' may 
provide clue to Chinese aliens

Translation from the one of the 12,000-year-old Dropa stones: "The Dropas came down from the clouds in their aircraft. The men, women and children of the neighboring peoples (Ham) hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions..." [Translated from the language on the stones by the man who successfully deciphered them, Dr. Tsum Um Nui.]

The great Xianyang pyramid is only one of many mystery sites pointing to one or more advanced races interacting with the primitive peoples of Earth.

The famous Dropa stones also provide strong evidence for extended Earth visits from ancient astronauts.

The stones were found by Chi Pu Tei who led an archeological expedition to the bleak and windswept Baian-Kara-Ula mountain range in 1938. The range sits on the Chinese-Tibetan border and is home to many stories about ancient extraterrestrials mingling with Earth people.

While exploring a series of almost inaccessible mountain caverns last inhabited by crude primitives thousands of years in the past, the scientific team made an exciting discovery: some of the cavern walls were covered with pictograms depicting scenes of the Solar System.

What's more, somehow these ancient people had created a map of the heavens illustrating the Earth, sun, Moon and various stars connected with intersecting lines and dots.

Curiously the pictogram-maps almost resemble ancient trade routes or a guide for explorers.

Other pictograms illustrate frail beings with round helmet-like bowls on their heads. 

One of the more than 700 Dropa discs found

But the team's excitement was just beginning. In one of the caves with the murals of the heavens they found a stone disc half-buried in the dirt. The disc had a thin spiral groove expertly cut into its face running from the center to the edge.

The disc they found measures about nine inches in diameter and roughly three-quarters of an inch thick. The center has a perfect hole that's three-quarters of an inch across.

Once they found the disc, Tei instructed his team to hunt for more. Eventually they dug up a veritable treasure trove. A total of 716 discs were found, some in pristine condition, others cracked or broken into pieces. 

Upon later inspection, mysterious heiroglyphic symbols were found carved inside the grooves. Obviously the disc contained a motherlode of information of some kind. 

Two of the discs Dr. Tsum Um Nui deciphered

Unfortunately, despite their potential importance, the discs languished for years in packing crates. They were buried and forgotten in the dusty storage area of a museum until Dr. Tsum Um Nui copied the writing from each of the surviving discs to paper. 

Dr. Nui succeeds in deciphering 'Dropa stones' 

The unknown heiroglyphs were so miniscule he could only read them with the aid of a powerful magnifier.

An expert at deciphering ancient languages, Nui worked diligently for many months to crack the language. Finally, he succeeded.

What he learned would change the known history of the world, if anyone listened. Few did.

The stones recorded an amazing story written at least 12,000 years ago by a fantastic people the world had forgotten.

The discs relate the voyage of the Dropa to Earth. How they crashed during their exploration of the planet and became marooned on Earth, a foreign world unknown to them. Their spacecraft was located in what later became known as the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains, part of the Himalayas.

Stranded, the lost travelers sought refuge in caves—the very caves Chi Pu Tei and his scientific exploration team had discovered the discs.

"The Dropas came down from the clouds in their aircraft," another disc said. "The men, women and children of the neighboring peoples (Ham) hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions..."

Yet another disc tells of the aliens having bulging heads and withered bodies. At first the tribe sent hunters to kill the invaders until the people found the strange beings meant no harm.

Villagers in the area still pass down the legends about the visitors that "came from the stars, long, long ago."

After deciphering as many of the discs as he could, Nui wrote a paper about the historic discovery for the Chinese Academy of Prehistory.

They refused to publish it. Although well-documented and no question of it being fraudulent, the editor of the journal told Nui that the world was not ready for such information to be known.

The Chinese authorities under Mao were also quite explicit in their reaction. They forbid the doctor from seeking to publish his paper outside of China or even to speak of the Dropa stones.

Despite the order, Nui did share the information with some close colleagues and eventually some of the story managed to leak out to the rest of the world. 

Russian scientists join Dropa investigation 

The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner published "Riddle of Asian Stone Discs from Outer Space" on February 26, 1967. The article focused on some Russian researchers who had been intently studying some of the Dropa stones.

"The Russians," wrote the Herald-Examiner, "who have examined some of the discs in a Moscow laboratory, claim to have made two important discoveries. One is that the discs contain certain traces of metal; particularly cobalt. Secondly, when placed on a special turntable they hummed in an unusual rhythm like an electrical charge was passing through them.

"The Russian Zaitsev, who has spent 30 years collecting evidence that intelligent beings from outer space have had contact with the earth, believes that the discs may give substance to ancient Chinese legends of small, gaunt, yellow-faced men who came down from the clouds many centuries ago."

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