

Saturday 13 April 2013

Book Club #2 and On the Universe #1 ... JORDAN MAXWELL SHOW

The divine quality which the ancient theologists discovered in all parts of nature has been destroyed by the modern attitude towards learning.” Manly P. Hall
We continue to work our way through Jordan Maxwells favorite books. The man has read so many books, possibly thousands. For him to select the “Best of the Best” is truly a time savor for all of us. In this show, Jordan speaks very fondly to his biggest mentor, Manly P. Hall, whom incidentally left all his research to Jordan. Someday soon we will get into some of the teachings of Manly P. Hall.


Jordan and Friends – On the Universe #1


God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Genesis- 1:28. Adam and Eve.
Mathematics, nature and the stars. The deeper you look into it, the more is revealed. What is the matrix, what are we? Do we exist within a universe, or are there multiple universes, as Einstein theorized, many parallel universes.

Quantum mathematics, Phoenix lights, greater beings, and the origin of our knowledge? It is agreed, that the real information is in the hands of the private sector, not in the hands of Government. Is the entire universe filled with extra terrestrial forces?

Who controls the planet? Greed seems to be eating greed at our current point in history. Why is the global economy such a mess. Maybe the Non-interference of treaties needs to be implemented.

Where in the bible does it say God Made Man. Maybe they think it’s time to re-make man. God says… man has become one of us. Topics, Close Encounters of the third kind. Hidden Government disguising themselves as private contractors. Then private contractors disguising as government.

Genesis 9-1, when Noah comes off the arch for the first time. Be fruitful and RE-plenish the earth.


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