

Tuesday 23 April 2013


As many people already know, the Greer movie, SIRIUS is premiering in Los Angeles on Monday night.  What I am told is that he will be appearing there in person to reveal the results of DNA tests on the 8 inch ET body that was found in the desert.

What is particularly interesting is that this premiere and Steven Basset's Citizen Hearing for Disclosure at the Press Club in Washington DC is also happening less than a week later, from April 29th to May 3rd.
Two disclosure events in such a short span of time is no coincidence.  However, one has to ask whether this is the beginning of a controlled campaign for disclosure being spun with a certain hidden hand in the background.  I am being told by back channel sources that releasing some disclosure type information at this time is becoming more crucial for those in power because of upcoming events.  What those 'events' are is not clear although there has been some indication by people like Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veteran's Today who has been clearly tasked by someone (some intel group) with disclosing in a steady stream over the past year.

I was told there's a kind of rush (ala hurry up and wait) that the PTB are involved in. Mainly because various factions are competing for one, control, and two, for being in the lead on the final release of the fact that 'we are not alone and we have never been alone' to quote Bob Dean, to the public.

At the forefront of those factions wanting to control and 'spin' the disclosure of the ET presence is the Vatican.

By the way, the latest rendition of the scanners at airports now replacing the old style invasive TSA scanners are said to be put in place to determine whether those going through are 'human'.  Word is, that the earlier version did the same however, certain changes in cloaking on the part of the 'visitors' necessitated changes… an upgrade in the tech used for detection.  

You didn't think they were replacing the originals because of 'protest' and health concerns did you?

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