

Friday 15 March 2013

WHO'S IN CHARGE ? : International Warrant Issued For Pope Francis I Arrest On Crimes Against Humanity And Child Trafficking

posted by TheThing


International Warrant Issued For Pope Francis I Arrest 
On Crimes Against Humanity And Child Trafficking

The same Common Law Court that tried and sentenced his predecessor and other church and state officials has today issued an Arrest Warrant against the first Jesuit Pope in history, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

The Argentinian prelate assumed criminal liability and became subject to immediate arrest by occupying the Papal seat in the wake of the conviction of the Vatican as a criminal organization on February 25, 2013.

Bergoglio's role in the death of Argentinian citizens during that country's "Dirty War" and in the trafficking of the children of political prisoners also compelled the International Common Law Court of Justice to issue the Warrant today, which is one year in duration.

Italian and Argentinian citizens, and any man or woman, are authorized by the Warrant to be involved in Bergoglio's public detaining.

"The Pope is the head of a predatory power that is waging an undeclared, centuries-old war against the entire non-Catholic world" commented ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett today in Vancouver, where he delivered a copy of the Arrest Warrant to the Catholic Archdiocese office.

"Since we and our children are being assaulted by a corporation that is a law unto itself, we have the right to defend ourselves and detain or stop altogether those responsible, as in any war".

A Public Proclamation is being read out in twenty eight countries this week by ITCCS members, publicly banning those church and state officials who cannot be immediately arrested under these Warrants. 

Peter of Rome vs. Annunaki central headquarters

Apparently, Obama is going to Israel exactly the same time as the coronation of the new Pope. Biden is going to be attending the Coronation. Which puts both out of the country (as rather unusal happening) usually avoided for security reasons

What is significant about this is that OBAMA is making a statement about who really RUNS THE PLANET... a cold slap in the face to the Vatican and its Reptilian overlords.. Obama is reporting to the Anunnaki Central Headquarters... probably underground at Dimona or nearby.

It is highly symbolic.

And as if that isn't controversial enough we have this recent item of interest now circulating the net like wildfire:

The folllowing announcement of this very trip by Obama on Youtube has captured attention around the net because of what appears to be an ET working as part of Obama's security detail during the announcment. He was filmed in the background... looking for all intents like either a "crypto-terrestrial" or in my view a Reptilian-Human Hybrid. 


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