

Wednesday 6 March 2013


The overwhelming evidence shows that UFO's and the Alien Threat are VERY real. We are being visited by extraterrestrial beings and the Men in Black are fighting a battle of secrecy to keep us in the dark. In this comprehensive collection you will discover firsthand from best-selling authors, and renowned experts from around the globe, just how horrifying the truth really is. The governments and controlling factions of the world DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH.

UFO's, ET's and The Men In Black -- See real footage of an infamous black helicopter harassing sky watchers looking for UFOs. What are they protecting? The evidence in this film shows that UFO's and the Alien Threat are VERY real.

In 1996 Tony Topping began to have encounters with UFOs over his house, & from May 1999 until November 1999 he filmed repeatedly a UFO, coming in over his estate and appearing on many occasions, this came to the attention of a covert group of people in the intelligence services, an unelected group of people who engaged over a number of years with Tony in a campaign of covert harassment.

In 2001 the attack upon Tony with non lethal mind invasive technology was so brutal that he thought he would die from it. Being followed and filmed by unmarked helicopters was a common occurrence including the incident involving an unmarked AS555 helicopter, as well as being followed by covert agents and receiving anonymous text messages & emails from so-called government people about disclosure of the UFO situation.

Tony has filmed on many occasions UFOs and has also been mysteriously attacked by a UFO on two occasions


Tony Topping 1st TV 

Appearance Channel 4 2007 



This interview in three parts was mysteriously removed from the Alex Jones Youtube Channel. Tony Topping still awaits an explanation.

In a special appearance for Tony Topping explains his early childhood experiences. His comments regarding a hoax alien invasion being staged as not being correct and instead a background is set for a possible second antichrist. This clip has caused much debate.

Tony discusses various issues including being approached by a civil servant regarding cattle mutilations, & the human factors regarding the UFO Incidents at Rendlesham Forest & the Berwyn Mountains. A number of former military personel do email Tony regarding their UFO experiences.

This clip starts at 05 seconds.Tony talks about undersea UFOs, and that people with UFO experiences are not getting answers.What conclusion did US Intelligence come to in 1950 regarding UFOs and the driving agenda we see today of the New World Order ? that the agenda was not a human one here in the final part of his interview Tony explains more.

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