

Thursday 14 March 2013

Paranormal and number 33 : JORDAN MAXWELL SHOW

Paranormal Experiences. Jerry Gross, and his paranormal abilities. Remote Viewing. His Doorway to a New Dimension work. The physical body. Death takes on a new meaning as we begin to realize that it is only a transition to another dimension, or place of existence. Astral Projection. Haunted Westwood Apartment previously lived in by  Liz Taylor, Janet Leigh, Bugsy Siegel, Virginia Hill, & Tony Curtis. Jordan discusses Mithraism, Counsel of nine. The book of revelation. The Great Pyramids, Three sides …and Tesla. Three gods. Body Mind Spirit.

A definition of God that is a blend of Hinduism,Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Jordan discusses Two political parties in the USA. Left and Right wing, Tesla Wireless Transmission of Power & Earth Harmonics. Maurisi Kuttria author.

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