

Monday 18 March 2013

DR STEPHEN GREER : SIRIUS Movie - FULL TRAILER - coming in April Spring 2013

The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light.

They use energy propulsion systems that can bring us to a new era.

Humans have also developed these systems but those in power have suppressed them in order to keep us at the mercy of fossil fuels.

It is time for you to know…and this documentary will let you in.

DR STEPHEN GREER : The Light Barrier

Joe talks to Dr. Steven Greer about the vastness of space and the new physics of going beyond the speed of light, the light barrier. 

Also how it relates to ET's and how they get around, and how humans are just in their infancy in the development and understanding of universal knowledge.. From The Joe Rogan Experience 

DR STEPHEN GREER & Commander Willard Miller, February 8th 2013

Commander Miller has worked with Dr. Greer for over two decades setting up sensitive meetings at the Pentagon and elsewhere and advising on how secret projects like (USAPs -- Unacknowledged Special Access Projects) are set up structurally to maintain secrecy. He will discuss the pros and cons of that system. Their conversation will be an amazing insight into how the information about UFOs and the New Energy technology is controlled. This knowledge is not speculation but from someone who has been on the inside. You don't want to miss the first of a 2-part series to go into depth on this issue. Dr. Greer feels this is one of the most important interviews he has ever done.

Update on Sirius:
Dr. Greer and Amardeep Kaleka hope it will be out in Spring.

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