

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Alien Star Map Found In Kupang Indonesia

New photographs have emerged which apparently show Alien artifacts. The pictures released show two strange rocks fused together that contain strange symbols and carvings.

What's more extraordinary is that the rocks are engraved with a star map, very similar to the plaque that was designed by Carl Sagan and Frank Drake, and was placed on-board the Pioneer 10 probe, launched in 1972. The rocks also have a magnetic field, which seems to emanate from the rocks when they are near any electric or electronic apparatus

1 comment:

  1. This looks cool but I have a problem with the logic of the story behind it.

    Aliens find the Pioneer spacecraft and work out it's an open greeting, so they head towards earth. So far so good. They arrive in 1992 and decide to land in a remote mountain area of an underdeveloped nation... Really? Rather than leave a large, high grade unbreakable ceramic, plastic, titanium or gold plaque they fuse a relatively small rock together and scratch their own greeting in it with a manual hand tool, to a quality that is inferior to most earth statues that are a few thousand years old... So do we seriously believe this is from a civilisation? No, this is either a curiously formed rock or yet another sad fake.
