

Wednesday 12 December 2012

SALUSA UPDATE : SaLuSa 12-December-2012 ... ASCENSION




The biggest day ever in your lifetime has arrived, and it is the finalization of a whole series of lives that very shortly will give you the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality. 

It will lead to the time you have been waiting for that will introduce the Golden Age, and lift you up into a higher dimension of happiness and joy. 

The problems and worries that are with you will be soon be set aside, and many will be quickly involved in the various projects connected with uplifting Mother Earth. 

The next few days you will be assessing other people’s experiences compared to your own, and find mixed reactions. 

Those of the Light will inevitably find that they received an energetic input, and it will have established a new level within.

No one can prevent the new energies having some affect upon them, but not all will register it. 

Your civilization will never be the same again as it was with duality, but that will be a blessing. 

You will now find that there are more purposeful meanings and intent to actions that are being taken. 

They will fulfill the desire to move on and re-create a society that is based upon love. 

It will happen because the power of creation is now much stronger with you than ever before. 

The momentum is now with those of the Light, and they will determine how you change and remove those who stand in the way of true progress. 
Our Galactic Fleets are so large that we can leave some ships within your Solar System, to be on call if they are needed.

We already have bases on Earth and these shall remain for your protection.

What has been held back must be released for the benefit of All and not just the few .................



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