

Friday 14 December 2012

NEIL KEENAN : THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD … Announcement from Neil Keenan is the game changer we’ve all been praying for


Neil Keenan has been working hard under very difficult conditions in Jakarta, Indonesia for almost two months. Today, along with a little history, he has some very important words to share with us. Preceding his words, Neil has created a brief video preface to put his message in context.

In the very near future, the Elders, indigenous people of Indonesia, will be setting up a very private meeting with him, and this is when they will finally rid themselves of their 6o-year-old responsibility and allow Neil to assume it, knowing as Neil has said that there will never be one moment when they lose one cent. For the first time they will be relieved of their burden, knowing that not only their beloved Indonesia, but all of mankind will be treated with humanitarian care.

This was the Global Accounts’ original purpose, but they were hijacked not once, but twice and used for war against us, the people of the planet, in an effort to control and enslave us. That time is now coming to an end, and I believe this simple message from Neil will bring that end much closer.

Until recently, Neil did not understand the importance of the fact that after going through Ceremony, he was specifically’chosen’ by the Elders in Indonesia to do this work.

This particular kind of Ceremony is not to be taken lightly: the Elders communicate with Mother Earth and Father Sky and in my understanding of it they ask if this is the person they have been waiting for to help them. Then, they wait for a response which usually comes in symbolic language from Mother Earth, and according to that response, the particular person is chosen—or not chosen.

At the very least the person must be of impeccable integrity, Mr. Keenan embodies this quality.

Putting it in another way, a way that might more easily be understood by the Western world, the Elders communicate with the quantum field, which is the positive energy we call Love surrounding us all about which many of us have only recently learned. They ask if this person is acceptable to it, and it responds yea or nay. Other names for this energy are known as God, the Source, the Universe, I AM THAT I AM, the Field.

Everything we think, say, do, or feel is important and affects not only our own lives but that of the entire planet.

This is because everything—absolutely everything—is energy and is interconnected, and so follows the law of energy: like attracts like.

Quantum theory is also the long-lost connection between God and Science.

Today, as we all begin to go forward together in Unity instead of Duality, perhaps we can begin to heal this false division between God and Science deceitfully and knowingly inflicted on us by the cabal. 



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