

Sunday 16 December 2012



As you know, the people of our planet are at best good sleepers.

The 'due date' of The Beginning is 12/21/ foretold.

Man has been moving slowly towards this for about 150 Yrs.

At the point in time of 12/21/12, the beginning starts, as this is
the 'cosmic' point of Alignment of the Suns.

Extraordinary forces will be exerted, far beyond what is happening now.

As the 'alignment' approaches, many special forces are in full

The alignment itself, a rising anticipation of that event, and a double
energy impact wave. The additional energy is coming from a beam from
galactic center that we will be exactly center of on 12/21/12...

These are conjunctions of these many forces in order to cause mankind
to be able to take our first step in this process.

On 12/21/12, all of mankind will be elevated by an increase in the base
vibrational frequency of existence. Everything and everybody...

Man will note an increase in our level of abilities on or about that date.
From the point of this evolutionary process, everyone will find it easy to
use their spiritual abilities and awareness.

Following that, and over a period of about a year, man will become more
familiar with these things as a normal part of life.

Tolec has stipulated a time within the fall of 2013 to spring of 2014 as The
Designate time of The Transition from 3D to 4D.

Although this is a sudden 'shift', man is to be ready through training and
education. This 'shift' is both physical and spiritual.

Several 'teams' of active incarnates will be supplying information on all
the subjects involved for preparation.

After this 'event' man will be part and parcel to bringing about that 'Golden
Age' that has been talked about.

Although many things will 'change', many things will not.


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