

Friday 16 November 2012

TOLEC ... Contact Introduction Friendly Open Visits

Soon after the completion of the clean-up phase of this war is finished ( false flag ET landing event ) ... it is being planned by the members of the Andromeda Council that - almost simultaneously - they will also begin to prepare Earth & Earth's people to join a greater galactic ‘community of planets' …by beginning & conducting increasingly frequent contact & visits with the people of Earth.

Visitors to Earth will most likely come from the following four (4) star systems & planets: Polaris - planet Ventra, Antares - planet Nikotae, Sirius A - planet Toleka, and from the constellation Cygnus, star system Alpha Cygni (aka) Deneb - planet Ritol.

Scout craft, two (2) at most, in any one area at any time, holding 3-4 crew people from the above listed member planets of the Andromeda Council, will land quietly & cloaked.

These people will have friendly open contact, visits & interaction with humans all across planet Earth... just every day people.

This plan of open contact, visitation & interaction with the people of Earth can now happen because Earth humans are now safe from the long standing, manipulative, abusive, malicious reptilian menace.

This plan for contact & visitation is to happen over & over again for an extended period of time, probably at least upward of one (1) full year all across the globe, until Earth people finally get the message - you are not alone, you have never been alone.

The planned geographic areas of planet Earth that will be visited, in order of priority, are the following:

1. USA (Continental) 

2. Canada 

3. USA (Alaska)

4. Mexico 5. Brazil 

6. Argentina 

7. USA (Hawaii)

8. Japan 

9. India 

10. Indonesia 

11. Australia

12. South Africa 

13. Saudi Arabia 

14. United Kingdom 

15. France 

16. Germany 

17. Italy [All Counties

of the European Union] 

18. Turkey 

19. South Korea

20. China 

21. Russia

They will quietly land, cloaked. They will visit with people on the outskirts of most major cities, on the outskirts of suburban cities & towns, in their parks, in their malls, outside shopping plazas, on the campuses of private universities & schools, where ever people normally congregate in these above countries. Maybe more.

They will visit the more spiritually progressive, 'advanced', 'aware' and 'open' parts of each country, as an example, the southwestern United States, and western Canada, first. They will visit all parts of each country... visiting the most progressive parts first, and least progressive parts of each country, last.

You are not alone, you have never been alone. The overall message to the people of planet Earth will be for them to enjoy & revel in the knowledge that -

you are not alone, you have never been alone, your planet was seeded by many, many races from across the cosmos. This universe and its galaxies are teaming with sentient, intelligent life, societies and cultures. People of planet Earth, you are part of this glorious expanse... of sentient intelligent life.

And, that as sentient intelligent life, you, people of Earth, as free souls have a right to be free - to live lives of free choice & free will, to evolve, and to function as spiritually alive, awake, aware and responsible… sovereign human beings.

To help promote a long and peaceful existence of a reborn planet, and a reborn people, and the benefits of intergalactic trade - it is expected Earth will receive an invitation & a formal set of protocols to join a greater community of planets, the Galactic Federation, based in the Tau Ceti star system which holds the tenth (#10) senior member seat of the Andromeda Council. If it wants to, Earth can join as a peaceful contributing member of this community of planets.

And, as a member of the Galactic Federation, and therefore a member of the Andromeda Council, Earth will also have its own representation, via a Joint Earth Council, formally representing the interests of Earth.

However, people of planet Earth, this is your decision. Only you can determine your own destiny, only you can make your own choices... only you can determine your future. 

No one else. 

It is your right as this is your planet. 

It is all up to you.


TOLEC 11-11-12


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