

Wednesday 28 November 2012


 Ken Bakeman

These are articles and accounts I have written to document some of my encounters with Saurian Humanoids and other cryptic beings that operate in and around the terrestrial landscape.  The images shown represent a reasonably close resemblance to seven of the eight or nine types of Reptilian that I have had first-hand experiences with. 

'' Up close, I was confronted by the frightening appearance of this creature.  In the dim lighting coming from the night-light on the stove in the kitchen, I could see that this creature was about six feet tall.  He wore no clothing.  Instead, his body was sheathed with a dark green hide, textured with a pattern of oval, bead-like scaling.  Looking up at his face, I was drawn to his bright yellow-gold eyes.  Cat-like, vertical pupils had adjusted to the darkness and now opened, were taking in the view of their quarry, me.  His fingers and toes were slightly webbed and had pointy, claw-like nails.  

I could just make out a two-foot-long tail extending from the base of his spine.  With no hair on his head or any other part of his body that I could tell, his muscular, anthropomorphic form approximated a man-sized, two-legged lizard.  This impression was further accentuated by his minimal nose, just two small openings on either side of a slight  ridge, that reminded me of my pet turtle's nose.  He also seemed to lack ears.  A wide, lipless mouth stretched across his face, only slightly above his jaw line.  I sure hoped he didn't have big teeth.

We stared at each other for a few moments, then I demanded in a barely controlled, shaky whisper to know what he wanted from me.  My confrontational tone seemed to elicit an almost jocular response.  With arms crossed, he looked down at me and, more seriously now, pronounced, "I seek a partner, someone I can train to assist me in my work."  This unexpected statement was intriguing.  After briefly assimilating what I had just heard, I couldn't help but ask the obvious follow-up question.  

I whispered, "Um, what kind of work do you do?"  

The lizardman's response was blunt.  

He said, "I kill people".


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