

Wednesday 21 November 2012

PROJECT CAMELOT AND DAVID WILCOCK with Marshall Vian Summers and Dr Pete Peterson

Marshall Vian Summers : Allies of Humanity

This is a fascinating discussion that took place in front of a live audience in Estes Park, Colorado in late September. We cover sovereignty of Planet Earth and the real exopolitics of interaction with the Galactic community of races currently visiting us. The footage is excellent for the most part due to the expert help we had with the filming...

The key concept here is that Earth Humans need to regain their sovereignty over their dominion--Earth. As Guardians of Earth we must not only safeguard our own development but nuture and protect the planet. One key difference of opinion between Marshall and I is that in my view we are being visited and are already very much involved as members of the Galactic Community... Where we agree is that we don't know our own power and need to take back not only our power but our sovereignty of the Earth and our future. We decide, when we decide how and we decide where.

The Grey-Human Hybrid program has been wildly successful and the poisoning of our atmosphere is just one example of how those in power are working to terraform our planet to make it more comfortable for Reptilian based hybrids who favor a more methane-like/radiation infused atmosphere to thrive.

Creating a "cooperation" with the infiltration of Greys whose agenda is takeover based and has nothing to do with the survival of the core of various human bloodlines, is therefore absurd.

Lastly the added complication of an AI based nanotech race of robots may ultimately be another impending and very real adversary here on Planet Earth that the military industrial complex has already partially created and also been infiltrated by... leading to what is known in some circles as Metatron. This has to do with parallel Earth and an agenda that is heavily mixed into the robotic super soldier contingent. It also is a key to what the real struggle is all about which is between "hive mind" and AI versus the angelic human (soul development/natural return to source/self-realization path). This is what is really going on in the war between the various races... And once you know this the exo-political landscape becomes much more understandable.

Lastly the Anunnaki and return of Horus is a very real additional scenario to what we are dealing with. Yes, there are Anunnaki here and 'walking the halls of the pentagon' but beyond that within the Anunnaki Horus is seen as emphasizing the more "Enlil" side of the equation (totalitarian rule) and his return is something apparently eagerly awaited by those consciously bent on New World Order... Bush included. There is some evidence that he might have already arrived in fact. Dealing with the Anunnaki is something we will ultimately need to come to terms with and if we manage to regain our hold on Earth, negotiate a settlement with in my view. Their agenda is not an invasion scenario (unlike the Greys and Reptilians) but a power over/control agenda.

Needless to say, this is a vast conspiracy we are involved in. One that did not originate with Earth and won't end here either regardless of whether we (this version of the human race) survives.

Kerry Cassidy

Project Camelot

Dr Pete Peterson :

We told our friend David Wilcock. David felt very strongly - as a psychic intuitive - that we needed to visit Dr Peterson immediately while he was willing to give on-record testimony. So this interview straight away broke new ground: it was the first Camelot interview in which David joined the two of us for the interview. 

A few days later, Bill flew to the US from Europe for the weekend especially for the meeting - which was held over two long days.

We talked extensively off-record, and Dr Peterson was extremely cautious about presenting some of his testimony on video. But we nevertheless recorded nearly four hours of testimony. Listen carefully to the questions and the answers - especially in Kerry's Part 3 (Part 1 was Bill and Part 2 was David) - and enjoy the very end of Part 2, just as that part of the interview fades. (This is our favorite section, and we have very purposely left it in.)

Dr Peterson is an extremely well-informed insider - and a most remarkable and brilliant scientist - who came forward to talk with us publicly because he feels the issues he cares deeply about, and knows about, are too important to keep silent about. We salute his courage.

Among the many things Dr Peterson spoke about at length was his strong, informed belief that there will be a melt-down of the global economy - and US infrastructure - which may be almost upon us; and that most, but not all, of the ET visitors are friendly.

There is much, much more. Here is a very general list of the subjects we discussed:
The probable (in Dr Peterson's strong opinion) collapse of the economy, infrastructure, and law and order in the US
The planned disclosure of the ET presence
The Aurora (now retired from service and replaced by vehicles capable of superluminal travel) and the TR3B (the large flying triangle, which functions as an aircraft carrier)
Artificial intelligence and advanced robotics
The "information field" and how the body, the mind, and DNA really function
Healing modalities which work very rapidly and effectively
'Rescuing' brilliant scientists out of the old USSR
How Mir (the Russian Space Station) was so heavy that it could not have been assembled without 'help' from our 'friends' (or, to be exact, the Russians' friends)
Time spent in the Vatican Library
The existence of Sumerian high technology
Quantum computing (off-camera, Dr Peterson held in his hand a cheap quantum chip, which he had assembled himself in his own laboratory, with the computing power of 10,000 PCs)
The genius of James Clerk Maxwell, and why Einstein was wrong
Why you should not spend too much time in front of your new Digital TV
The reality of the US prison camps
How President Obama was (in all probability) set up
How he came to understand that 15% of the world's population (of all races) have ET ancestry that can be seen in their DNA - and are also resistant to mind control technologies.

The release of this video was delayed because Dr Peterson was concerned that it might contain some material that was just too sensitive, and which might endanger us. He spent some time checking with colleagues to ensure that we would be safe to release the material. At the time of writing, he has not specified what these sensitive parts of the video are - though one might guess. We have taken the decision to take these risks upon our own shoulders and to release the interview in its entirety. 

It has not been cut.

We hope that those who have been waiting this for what feels (to us also!) quite a long time may understand the complexities and many factors involved, and that being a whistleblower is far from a simple matter. Dr Peterson is a person of high integrity who is very concerned about some of the problems faced by the human race, and who to his immense credit feels that he must give a warning. Besides the warning, as you will see, he offers a substantial smorgasbord of fascinating information on a very broad range of subjects.

Enjoy the interview...

Bill Ryan
Kerry Cassidy
David Wilcock


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