

Thursday 29 November 2012

MICHAEL LEE HILL ... the Big Picture with emphasis on the ANNUNAKI Marduk/Enlil information

To start with, wouldn't it be nice to know how much the government know about these UFOs that
they often are so quick at explaining away as military experiments, illusions etc? In fact,
we do know a few things about how much the government knows! First of all, we know that they
are aware of that the Lake Erie UFO orb phenomenon is not local for the Great Lake, and
secondly, we know that they have been hiding their knowledge about these kinds of UFOs from
the public for quite a long time.


Lake Erie is a "no fly-zone" area, because there is a nuclear power plant there, and since 9/11, there is a five mile wide no fly zone around Power plants, nuclear or coal (Michael's hometown is where the CEI Electric Power Plant is and the Perry Nuclear power plant is around 18 miles East and is also situated right on Lake Erie). Still, Hill managed to take clear videos of UFOs hovering over the lake in their usual erratic flying patterns that no known human aircraft can do. And moreover, Michael says it's like they know he's filming them, and that they are posing for him!

Two Comparable Experiences; Two Comparable Blood Disorders
In January, 2011, The History Channel published a documentary on Michael and the young ex-military man from Suffolk, Virginia, Terrell Copeland. This whole documentary is uploaded to YouTube and it's a very good idea to watch it before you continue reading the rest of this amazing story. Amazingly enough, it also appears that Michael had a face-to-face meeting with Marduk himself, or someone who presented himself as him. 

The Terrell Copeland Case
Terrell Copeland is 25 years old, and was discharged from the Military due to a strange blood anomaly. The Military doctors could not find the cause to it, but considered it reason enough to discharge him all together. So what was this blood anomaly all about?

Figure 2: Terrell Copeland

In fact, it releases massive amount of CK (Creatine Kenase) into the blood, which in turn super oxygenates the bloodstream. Normally, this condition will create a lot of problems for the person, such as muscle damage. Or usually it's the other way around; severe muscle damage leads to high CK levels. Terrell's CK levels were as high as 2000ul! For a normal person, the level rarely reaches over 200ul. This is all recorded in Terrell's Military records, which are included and exposed in the YouTube video above. However, Terrell has no muscles damage! And he is in perfectly health.
What differentiates him from a "normal" person, though, is that he has had a number of UFO encounters; both close to his home and away from it. He has also had his home broke into and strange people threatening him. Being an ex-military with access to military fly craft, he says that what he's seen is not military. And indeed, strange, similar phenomena, also discussed in the movie, occurred here during George Washington times, and are recorded as such; I doubt those were "military". Videos are showing how big orbs in the sky are hovering around and sometimes split into two. In general, these UFOs are showing patterns that seem way beyond current technologies; even the secret ones from TTPs (alien "Technology Transfer Programs).

Bill Birnes
Bill Birnes of "UFO Magazine" and "UFO Hunters" is an interesting character in his own right. He seems to know a lot more than he is letting out, as we shall see in the Michael Lee Hill case later in this paper. However, it starts already with the Copeland interview.
During the interview on History Channel he is telling Copeland that Copeland is an alien hybrid. He is told by his colleague in the video that this is highly controversial, but Birnes is saying it to Copeland with great emphasis and with no hesitation, like it is the plain truth, and he knows it. Copeland himself is not surprised, and it indicates to him as well.

Michael Hill's Sightings Over Lake Erie and Blood Test Comparisons

Then, Bill Birnes and the UFO Hunter team go on by visiting Michael Lee Hill in his home in Ohio, close to Lake Erie. Michael is putting on his coat and takes the whole team to the exact places where he has encountered his own UFO sightings over the Great Lake. What is remarkable to the team, and to the viewer, is that Michael's sightings look almost identical to the ones Copland had. The two persons' sightings are compared in the above video. Michael also tells the team that he has had encounters his entire life; hence his own personal interest in UFOs and ETs.
However, Michael is not alone to have seen these objects over Lake Erie. They were seen already in 1988 by Sheila Baker, and it was noted in the newspapers from that time (also evidenced in the video; "Cleveland Plain Dealer", July 12, 1992). Even the Coast Guard witnessed this event, and UFO Hunters are showing a copy of their report on History Channel.
Michael also tells the UFO Hunter team that he has had some very real close encounters with aliens whom have done experiments on him against his will, just like we've heard about many times before from other abductees. Still, Michael's experiences go way beyond what is exposed in the History Channel video.

Dr. Ted Acworth got a copy of both Copeland's and Hill's videos to compare them with each other. He had never seen anything like it before, and couldn't explain what these objects were.
Bill Birnes gets quite excited over Michael's story and asks him if he wants to have his blood drawn, because he suspects Michael has the same blood anomaly as Copeland. Michael's agrees to do this and they go to a laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital. Copeland joins the team. The line of thoughts here is that if Michael has the same anomaly as Copeland , is he a hybrid? They are tested by one of the leading doctors in the cardio/pulmonary field, Dr. David Systrom. Copeland, as well as Hill, are going through the same tests to see if Copeland's anomaly is still present and if Michael has it too.
Both tests show that they both have an elevation of CK in their blood! Dr. Systrom and his team do not want to speculate as of why the levels are high. There is no muscle damage in any of the two persons, and nothing else seems wrong with them either. It remains a mystery.

When the History Channel found out about Michael's blood anomaly from the Harvard Professor. They found out he was adopted, and asked Michael if he could track down his biological parents to see if the blood issue was a family genetic trait. 


Eric Clapton and Alice Ormsby Gore [photo probably late 1960s]

For the first time in his life, Michael got in touch with his biological mother, and also got to meet his two half-sisters. He says it was great to meet them all, and that he should have done it sooner, but time was apparently not right until recently. The shocker came when Michael asked his mother who his biological father is, and she told him, Eric Clapton! And she had plenty of fact and information to back up that claim. 

My Mother did tell me Eric has a blood Anomaly as well, Eric had told her he was a blueblood boy or something to that effect. 
Michael's Meeting With DAN REED, Claiming To Be of High Order and in Connection With the Arcturians

It's obvious to me that Michael is here on Earth in this incarnation for a specific purpose, out of the "ordinary". He has a blood anomaly, which attracts certain ET races

When Michael has asked him who he is, DAN REED says, "I'm of the Highest of the Most High". He says further that the Ancients were a very evolved race who were tricked into the human lives/condition, and around 5,000 years ago their physical human incarnations were slaughtered somehow. Michael continues:
These Ancients decided to ascend into higher realms and at the right time - at the end of this current cycle (Now) 2012, They would reincarnate under the Radar so to speak into this timeline as humans to awaken and bring great change and "Heaven On Earth"

This Spiritual master told me that there is a Bloodline connected to these Ancients in Human form, A "Royal" Blood Line.
Michael has spent quite some time with DAN REED, and out of the blue, as the two were walking the streets of Pittsburgh, he suddenly said to Michael, "Michael, you have the bloodline." Michael was caught off guard, but told his friend that indeed he had a blood anomaly, but he doesn't know what it really means. His friend replied, "It's Royal Blood". Michael said he doesn't know what this means either in relation to himself, but his friend just said, "I know...but you will!"
That's why I am incarnated right now; to meet and greet the Ancients as they awaken." 
  He went on to say, "Michael, The last time we met was 5,000 years ago, and before that was 9,000 years ago, You have the Bloodline; you are one of the Ancients." 


"I heard that you wanted to meet us? And that you have filmed our craft."
This is when Michael was told he was sitting before the "King of the Anunnaki". 

The actual name of the person was never given to Michael, but after all that went down, he had all the reasons to believe this male was Marduk himself, who is the one and only King of the Anunnaki on Earth.

He noticed Marduk was wearing a glowing, white-hooded robe and his face was not human. Michael describes it as looking "wavy" with very sculpted features, quite like a gargoyle, but actually very beautiful. He was not scary-looking at all. The strangest thing was that the Anunnaki leader seemed not to be physical, but appeared to be transparent.

The sightings over Lake Erie were just a small part of a much bigger story. He also claimed he's had face-to-face communications with the aliens who fly the spacecrafts (encounters of the fifth kind).

However, in July of 2008, Michael had a face-to-face experience with these people. He says he had a meeting with members of the "Ruling Family" of the Anunnaki to discuss a "change in Anunnaki leadership", and what the next step will be for humankind as we go from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. In short, the meeting was about if we humans are ready for a disclosure of the alien presence on Earth or not. 

Are we ready to be disclosed to the Anunnaki and other alien races?





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