

Sunday 4 November 2012



                                                 HOMO LUMINOUS ... THE NEO COSMIC HUMAN

The Mayans believed the next evolution of the human species would take place during the great shift of the ages ... the years to 2012 when the old ways of fear will be transcended to make way for a new cosmic light of love and oneness. Humanity is to evolve to a new level of cosmic consciousness ... Enter Neo Human .... 'Homo Luminous'

Bringing us to the time when ancient and hidden knowledge is to be reawakened in the human DNA. The Mayas understand it is the end of the “age of belief” and the beginning of “the age of knowledge.” The Mayas called it the Itza Age — or, as our Western world says, the Age of Aquarius. With the initiation of this new cycle of time, we will no longer be veiled by illusion. We will remember all that has been forgotten. The limitations of the unconscious will be wiped away.

Hunbatz Men, a Mayan shaman SAYS ...

Mayan is something that is in the heart and spirit, not just created by the color of the skin. 

This sacred prophesy is the call for the light workers of the earth garden to reunite and harmonize the Earth, to bridge the gaps between the continents, religions, cultures and races for all ages, for all time. It is time to sing our heart songs and begin to live our true solar destiny.

The following, paraphrased from a sacred Mayan text, belongs to initiates all over the world who seek Solar Initiation:

"In the year 1475, before the arrival of the Spanish, the Supreme Maya Council revealed that a calendar cycle of twice the K’altun of 260 years had to go by in order for the Mayan Solar Culture to flourish again for the benefit of mankind....In the spring of 1995, this 520-year period will be completed, bringing to an end the cycle of darkness brought by the Spaniards to the land of the Sun....1995 is a decisive year and the sacred human race will have to enter the path of cosmic light if it is to remain a thinking species....The human race will have to seek the path of initiation on Earth and in Heaven....Through Solar Initiation they will be able to see the luminosity of the great spirit....through Solar Initiation, the sleeping body of mankind can be awakened....Hunab K’u [the Mayan name for God] will flash like lightning that will pierce through the shadows that envelop the human race. Let us prepare to receive the light of knowledge that comes from Hunab K’u and transcend into the memory of the creator and become beings of eternal luminosity."

Through solar initiation and the use of the magnetic grid that covers the entire earth, we will begin to remember. The Mayas understand this new cycle as a doorway into cosmic consciousness that will awaken humanity.

Hunab Ku was, to the Mayans, the supreme God and ultimate Creator and was located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It represented the gateway to other galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this, our own galaxy. Hunab Ku, according to the Mayans, is also the consciousness which organized all matter from a whirling disk - into stars, planets and solar systems. Hunab Ku is the Mother Womb which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and planet Earth as well as the other planets found in our solar system. They also believed that the ultimate Creator directs everything that happens in our galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic energy bursts of consciousness.

Today, modern astronomers have indeed verified that at the center of our Milky Way galaxy is found a "whirling disk" with a "black hole" at its center that is both swallowing and giving birth to stars. Could the extraordinary low frequency radio wave images discovered coming from the center of our Milky Way galaxy be programmed bursts of energy consciousness coming from the ultimate Creator... and actually be a modern manifestation of what the ancient Mayans believed?

There does appear to be a growing convergence taking place with regard to what the ancient Mayans believed and understood and what our modern scientists and quantum physicists are increasingly discovering about our galaxy today.

One big difference is how modern physicists view and how the ancient Mayas viewed time. Today, physicists view time as being linear. In contrast, the Mayas believed essentially that time flows in a circle. There is a beginning and an end to things but there is a renewal at the end of the Time Cycle. There is a periodicity with regard to all manifested phenomena. The Mayan highly accurate Long Count Calendar is based on this precept. The Mayans also believed that time originates out of the Hunab Ku and is controlled by it.

The Mayas had an intimate relationship with the sun. They know that the information/energy we require to live comes from the Sun. They understand that the sun can heal our physical and emotional illness. In these times where humanity receives so much of its information and energy from sources other than the sun, it is essential at this time that we begin to remember how to use the sun once again. For those who wish to receive solar initiation as the Mayans have for thousands of years, you first must reconnect with the Sun. It is a simple process and all that is needed is your heart’s intention to begin to receive life-sustaining energy/light/information directly from the Sun once again. Below is a simple solar ceremony you can begin right now, and perform in unison with others from around the world during this coming spring equinox. Everyone is encouraged to initiate solar meditations and related events in the areas where they live.

The Initiation

Face the rising Sun and begin to meditate. With respect, ask Hunab K’u for permission to reenter his memory. Ask to be reawakened to the ancient knowledge of the cosmos. As the Sun begins to rise, look directly at it. Please use discretion here. Just one second of pure sunlight directly in the eyes is enough. Then close your eyes and begin to say the name of the sun, K’in in the Mayan language, and catch your spirit in your hands by holding your hands out in front of your face as if you were holding a sphere. Just as Om-m-m is the name of the Earth, K’in is the name of the Sun. The name of the sun sounds like K’eeeeeeen with a distinct e sound. You may need to practice this a little while to get the hang of it. When you do it properly, you will hear the sound of the Sun in your ears and in your head.

Say K’in, K’inn, K’innn, K’innnn

Say K’in seven times for your body, seven times for your spirit, and seven times for the awakening of the cosmic human. You can actually feel the energy of your spirit in your hands. Feel the vibration in your hands. Hear the sound of the Sun in your heart. Now place the blessings of your spirit on the Earth by bending down and placing your hands flat upon the Earth. Allow your spirit to enter the Earth and send your blessings and intentions to walk on earth in a way that will awaken yourself and others into rightful living once again. Many benefits are experienced by our connection with the Sun. Some among these are clearer thinking, inner peace, improved health and ultimately a more harmonious and productive life. It is easy to maintain your solar connection by taking a few moments each day to orient and realign yourself to the sun.

This is a most auspicious time for humanity. The Mayas encourage us to walk through this door into the Itza Age, and leave the world of illusion behind. It is simple. Just place your intention on the sun and absorb its light and information. We are on the threshold of a major shift for humanity into becoming cosmic human beings. We have been waiting for so long for this moment, 520 years, to be exact, and we are almost home.

Xata Zac Xata Amac - 

“Only may there be peace in your presence.”

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