

Monday 12 November 2012


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Ep 4 – James Pask A Healers Journey from Ascension to Incension (140:23)

Date: October 30, 2012
By: Super Woo Radio
Description: James shares his amazing journey into self discovery and knowledge of self-healing through non-traditional methods; using the readily available physical and spiritual nutrition of the Earth to resolve core health issues within people. We also discuss in great detail the limitations of the new age healing modalities as we deconstruct the cosmic matrix that is enslaving our human family through a program of enchanted entrapment. Are 4D healing techniques that require external energy ("white light", "universal light", "source light", etc.) to be brought inside you, actually energetically tagging us for harvest? To find out listen to this incredibly powerful episode of Super Woo radio. George also discusses the some of the key ingredients that he used to overcome a decade of severe illness. This one's a paradigm breaker! Enjoy. James Pask website is

Ep 3 - Kim Carlsberg Stand Up for YOUR Truth.mp3 (120:23)

Date: September 11, 2012
By: Super Woo Radio
Description: Kim shares her personal story with ET’s, her abductions and hybrid children. In a world first, Kim talks about the physical birth of her grandchildren by her hybrid daughter April and a recent visit by her hybrid son. Kim and george share a very special connection due to their similar experiences with off world beings. This is an incredible paradigm breaking interview full of heart and at times very emotional, including the moment when george talks about holding his Hybrid Son in his arms. Enjoy!

Ep 2 - Mel Fabregas and the Inspiration for Veritas Radio (135:30)

Date: July 23, 2012
By: Super Woo Radio
Description: Mel gives us his amazing personal story, including previously unknown details of his business background, his “ah ha” awakening moment and what inspired Mel to leave his corporate life and head down the Veritas Radio road. We also discuss many topics during this fascinating and enjoyable interview, including academia, the media, being authentic, money, the coming economy collapse, London Olympics and much more. Enjoy!

Ep 1 - Introduction to Super Woo Radio (103:44)

Date: June 22, 2012
By: Super Woo Radio
Description: In the first introductory episode george and Jason give the background to the who, what, where, when and why of Super Woo Radio. They interview each other about their personal backgrounds and discuss how they met. George talks about his new book Our Universal Journey and all that was involved in getting it completed. In the second half of the show Jason grills george about his 2011 predictions and other tough questions.

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“The time of THE GREAT CHANGE is upon us, and is the outcome for those who embarked on a journey eons ago. All who have chosen to be here at this time are about to experience a transformation of a magnitude that few on Earth can currently comprehend, and of which multitudes in the Universe regard in the highest esteem – the transformation of our Divine Mother Earth and her Humanity into Beings of Light and Universal Creators.” ~george kavassilas

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