

Sunday 25 November 2012

ALFRED WEBRE : The real news 23rd Nov : Nibiru Is on its way and history says so : It is Written in stone

Headlines From Alfred :

1) Catastrophic time line : Why spend all that money ($3 Trillion ) on 174 underground bases if the cabal dont use them?

2) Arguments for and against Catastophic timeline Tsunami etc.

3) The arrival of our second sun and the protection of our planet by visiting ET’s & ED’s & 2 suns is Normal: We are the norm:

4) The history of this event is written in 25000 year old artifacts exlpained by Claus Dona and Nassim Haramien.

5) What is happening now is clearly written in the history books and does not correspond with The Cabal man made catatstrophe.

6) The depopulation catastrophe to wipe 6 billion off planet does not stack up.

7) The new Golden age is upon us 2012 -2024 Release of disclosure.

8) Free energy : Plasma technologies :Time Travel : Tele-portation: New health and wealth and Prosperity to the poor and robbed.

9) End of Bankster owned Federal Reserve Bank, Cabal run Private Central Banks, The End of British Monarchy.

10) The rise in public awareness and Public consciousness is far too great and overwhelming for the Cabal.

THE NEWS Live: Extraterrestrials protecting Earth from solar storms due to second Sun 



Second sun seen using a simple lens filter? - not lens flare

1 comment:

  1. Hi, i have footage that i would like to send you, how do i do that?
