

Monday 29 October 2012



As you know, we have all awaited the arrival & the near Earth fly-by of a very large asteroid, "Silver Ray", aka "Ouskaar Nata"​, which would trigger specific earth change events to happen... the 'popping off' of undersea volcanoes triggering subsequent earthquakes off of the coast of Oregon... which would then cause the destruction of of the last Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea base [which was taken & cleared out by the Procyon people of the Andromeda Council the last weekend of March 2012].

Just within the past 24 hours the Silver Ray asteroid while on its trajectory toward Earth space was literally, physically 'bumped' out in space. It was hit by a space rock about the size of an old, very large, very heavy 1960s Cadillac, which as a result moved the asteroid's original trajectory to instead now travel past the back side of the Moon, instead of having a close Earth fly-by. Because it was bumped, it is no longer on its original elliptical orbit heading toward Earth space, and it will pass by our sun, Sol, and instead head out into space.

Therefore, as an alternate plan, the people of Procyon will take the necessary actions to instead permanently fill & seal the final Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea base, and not destroy it. Here is why: the current tenuous physical condition of planet Earth in its now perpetual state of evolution and change toward becoming a higher dimensional world, the near ending of its millennia of 3D cycles, the continued major movement of the tectonic plates, the stresses being put on these plates, the highly elevated amounts of magma now moving under the Earth's crust - these are all valid reasons why an attempt to destroy this final Reptilian undersea base at this time would put far too many Earth people at serious risk... in a highly populated region in the general area where this undersea base is located. If the people of Procyon of the Andromeda Council decided to destroy this base it would likely trigger a major earthquake event in this area... killing millions of people. Rightfully, the people of the Andromeda Council will not take that risk. It is a cautious, wise & prudent approach and course of action.

I will provide the location of the final undersea Reptilian base, which I will reveal in extensive detail, sometime in the future... when it is safe to do so, and many scenarios on this planet have played themselves out. Please understand, there is a huge responsibilty & risk that I bear knowing what I know. The reality is that certain parties would truly enjoy removing me from this planet without second thought... should I reveal the exact strategic nature, location and composition of this final Reptiliain undersea base at this time.

Further, please hear & take very seriously into the totality of who you are regarding what I am about to say with respect to this next topic:

there were only ever a total of fifteen (15) Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea operated bases which functioned as the major operational bases and hubs of the power structure of the Reptilian run & operated Cabal & Illuminati on this planet. Fifteen bases total. No more.

And now, all of these undersea bases are either destroyed, cleaned up, shut down, and/or filled-in like this last one will be. No matter what you are reading from other people anywhere else today. There are no more functioning, operational, Reptilian undersea bases on this planet today. None.

As to the visitation of Ambassador Tanka, Diplomat Maka and Vice-Chairwoman Tania with the people of planet Earth -

this is a very important matter, one for which I have been extensively planning over the past few months, and one which I am very much looking forward to have happen. I also know full well millions of people around planet Earth have looked forward to this visitation happening. And at least from all of the people I have heard from... the sooner the better. However;

The deep entrenchment of Reptilians, and moreover Reptilian control and influence, into the highest levels & power structure of the remaining Cabal & Illuminati human members is also deep & pervasive throughout all of the top levels of our global society... [click on link here] - "The Hard Reality & A Difficult Truth".

Therefore, as a result of the above situation - there are major, significant events... events that have yet to take place on this planet, non earth change events, concerning the people of Earth which will likely need to be completely 'played-out'... before the people of the Andromeda Council can safely visit with the people of Earth.

Predominant among these events, a race of supposed, seemingly benevolent ETs will appear to "land" and reveal themselves to the people of Earth... having what Earth people would consider to be super powers, and/or god-like powers, much like in ancient times... and looking by all appearances to be very light, of light, seemingly 'angelic' looking... looking & acting, at the beginning, like benevolent, higher dimensional humans. They will present themselves as benevolent higher dimensional human ETs, which they will not be. They will be re-engineered Reptilians. And, they are already here on Earth, at the top of the Cabal & Illuminati power structure.

They will also likely make many promises... they have no intention of keeping. Their only goal is to perpetuate the current paradigm of their purposeful, continued 'enslavement' of the people of Earth... by any & all means possible. They intend to hold onto power on this planet for as long as they can, keeping the power structure of the Cabal & Illuminati in place. Their power structure. They will use any and all means possible, including deception... to convince humans into believing these ETs care about Earth humans best interests.

And nothing can be farther from the truth. It will all be a lie. All they care about is keeping their power/strangle-hold of Earth humans in place, while continuing to use humans... as nothing more than a consumable resource... very much like humans today, so far, use cows. Reptilians have done this to many times before not only to countless other humanoid planets, but they have 'Reptilianized', completely colonized, other galaxies as well.

Please keep in mind, this will be a very dangerous period of time on this planet. Though I do believe... it will not last long.

We humans are pretty sharp, sharper than they give us credit for. Fool us once, fool us twice, fool us three times... and be very very careful. We will take control of our lives. The fall of the both the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall are really good examples of this.

I believe, at some point, people of Earth will finally decide with one unified voice, "no more"... no more of the status quo, no more deceptions & lies, no more financial & 'life' enslavement hardship... enforced by a system which works for no one... except for the Reptilian, Reptilian/human hybrid, and human Cabal & Illuminati elites still in power today.

Therefore, as a result, the above situation I just described will need to come to a final 'head', a final conclusion... before it will be safe for Earth people to openly visit with... Ambassador Tanka, Diplomat Maka & Vice Chairwoman Tania, and immediately following them the people from the four (4) Andromeda Council planets, as they keep their promise to come to Earth, travel to countries & cities around the globe to informally meet, visit & speak with the people of Earth... as they provide insight as to what Earth will be like in the future, after all of the changes have completed... as Earth begins her life as an even more beautiful, higher dimensional world.



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