

Wednesday 31 October 2012


Ea, Enki and Enlil (explained by Robert Morning Sky)

From the Lost Book of Enki…so now you will know why Baal worship included sex.

Ea – Lord of Creation
Enki – Lord of the Word
Enlil – Lord of the Command

This is a recording of Robert Morning Sky from 1996.

The first rulers after the Deluge were Sirians; they sat on the thrones of the most powerful Kingdoms and Empires we know of today. EA himself, for example, was the first ruler of Egypt, under the name Ptah. With that, EA’s elitism was quickly reestablished, where the few ruled the many. Special breeding program took place to reestablish the ‘pure’ bloodlines amongst the humans, referring to the chosen few who were born after the gods had had intercourse with human females and impregnated them. These ‘special’ humans were then eventually succeeding the gods on the throne of certain empire or countries.

Some of these ‘pure-blooded’ hybrids had mostly Aryan blood in them, while others had Sirian fathers. You could often still tell amongst both men and women who had more Sirian blood and Aryan and vice versa, because the Sirian offspring even in our days often have more body hair than those of Aryan descent. Of course, the current population is a mix of everything, but sometimes you can still see if a person has more Sirian than Aryan blood running in their veins. However, just because a person has more body hair, it doesn’t mean that person is more hot tempered (like Sirians are) and vice versa; these days it’s more a cosmetic trait. Amongst the ruling Elite, however, you may still find those who are more aggressive while there are others who are more strategists (Sirians vs. Aryans).

The Bloodlines then intermarried within the clan of pure hybrids and kept the family line going.

This is why the Presidents of the United States are all cousins, third cousins, ninth cousin, etc. Researchers who have followed their bloodlines back far enough have noticed that ‘strangely enough’ all these Men of Power seem to be related somehow. It is not so strange if we know how it was done. The aliens thought that if a person was of their blood, they were for them, more than the rest of humanity, and could rule and control them on behalf of the gods. 

Big mistake! 


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