

Wednesday 24 October 2012


OVNIS en Dallas Texas UFO Activity Downtown Dallas


Amazing UFO fleet landing in France, Oct 2012 
 Wow, this mounth I see more & more UFOs! I filmed in the end of the Sunset, a strange UFO fleet. There were 4 UFOs, strange white lights, one of them was going up in the sky, ant the 3 other ones were descending. Sorry if I didn't zoom, I could only film with my iPhone 4S, my camcorder was out of battery. :-(

I give you a close up of my sighting, with a digital zoom, and color correction. I really think those objects landed, because of their position, they were probably over the big trees you can see, those trees were at about 1,2 kilometers from me (3,937 feet). So, could it be drones, military crafts, orbs or UFOs?

Filmed by me in Suresnes, near Paris, France, Oct 2012
Mass UFO Sightings In Texas And UK
COMMENT .... I see them all the time, here in Arizona. Don't even get worked up anymore. They are here, and our military doesn't touch them. I have seen warplanes fly nearby, and observe, but not take any action. The Aliens do not seem interested in Humanity. I have observed them studying the nearby river system, but no action.

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