

Tuesday 30 October 2012

DAWN OF A NEW SPECIES … Humanity Without Chains



1. What Are We Really Seeing in the Skies?

“Now is not the time to say ‘it’s impossible’. Now is the time to ask, ‘what impossibilities can we make possible?’” – Wes Penre, Oct. 22, 2012.

We can accept it or deny it, but we humans have quite a lot of Reptilian genes in our bodies. Like someone said to me, “If you want to see a Reptilian, look yourself in the mirror!” Lord ENKI, followed by the Sirian Alliance, came here and manipulated the genes from humanoid Earth-beings (the Neanderthals and Homo Erectus) who already had reptilian genes from our androgynous ancestors, the Namlú’u. ENKI added his, and NIN-HUR-SAG used her own Sirian Wolfen-Reptilian DNA, and there they had it — Homo sapiens, the humanoid/reptilian species of Earth. That’s how aliens look at us. We don’t need to have scales to be Reptilian.

Earth is our home. This is the planet on which we were made, and here is where we breathe the air and blend with nature. These bodies are created on and for this planet, and there are hardly any other planet out there which can house us. We are unique for this world and are meant to remain here, just like the Sirians are meant to remain in Sirius and the Aryans in Orion. At no time was it decided or intended that beings in material, 3D bodies should travel the stars; it was meant to be next to impossible, or if nothing else, extremely inconvenient. A species, in their physical manifestation, stays where it was born. That the way this Universe was created.

This doesn’t mean that beings weren’t meant to star travel, quite the opposite — it was built into their DNA to reach for the stars and become part of the Galactic and Intergalactic community. But physical bodies in that regard are obstacles. Stargates and black holes take us through narrow star lanes, leading into the VOID (the KHAA), like tunnels or veins, and bring us to our destination on the other side once we exit the star lane and are back in 4% space again. These star lanes are available for all star beings in the 4% who are advanced enough how to use them. Following the KHAA Galactic Highways (or Passageways as they are called as well) is the only availability star beings in the 4% have to the 96% by default, until they are spiritually mature enough to enter the Gates that will open the KHAA. Vortexes, on the other hand, are ‘blind gates’, which lead to places you don’t want to go, so I’ve learnt. They are deceptive, because it is apparently hard to distinguish between star gates and vortexes. The most advanced beings, like the Pleiadians said in a recent lecture, don’t even need the regular stargates and star lanes anymore; they can travel through black holes that are smaller than the pin of a needle, and these black holes are absolutely everywhere. They did not explain exactly how that works, however.

People are talking about aliens showing up in huge spaceships (or smaller craft as well for that matter), and those who run these space vehicles are Grays, giant Reptilians, Nordics, and some strange Insectoids, to mention a few. My new insight, based on research and communication with sources who need to stay anonymous, is that star beings who are advanced enough to travel between the stars do so mainly through stargates and black holes, and when doing so, they ‘shrink’ themselves to nano-size and travel in the subquantum world. If people see Reptilians, Dragons, Grays or any other ambiguous beings, these bodies are either created through genetic engineering here on Earth (or elsewhere within our solar system) to be able to function here on Earth, or these beings are native to Earth.

The first category are star beings, who perhaps for any given reason prefer to inhabit bodies that look similar to the bodies they use on their home planet, or they create these alien bodies in order to show off for us humans; either to scare us, deceive us, or for a purpose only known to them. But keep in mind that for an alien body to function well on Earth, it has to be very, very similar to a human body, or any other native body to Earth. It must be able to breathe our atmosphere, and they must be able to function in our gravity and our planetary frequency. No alien can do that by default; their bodies need to be altered. 


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